Annual Conference Announcement – Queensland 2018

On the Cosmic Background: “God Does Not Play Dice”

Sunshine Coast, Queensland

5 to 8 October, 2018


God is not a cosmic accident; neither is he a universe experimenter… the Universal Father sees the end from the beginning, and his divine plan and eternal purpose actually embrace and comprehend all the experiments and all the adventures of all his subordinates… [Paper 2:1.4, page 34.3]

This year the ANZURA conference returns to the welcoming, beach-side venue of Alexandra Park that we last enjoyed in 2012.

Come and listen to a balanced speaking program taken from all four parts of The Urantia Book following a theme intended to draw revealed information about the cosmic background into the foreground of our understanding. Engage in the ensuing flurry of thoughtful exchanges that over a full weekend usually add up to quite a memorable conversation. Be part of a one-time study group working on at least one paper in detail. And spend some quiet time in comforting sea air whenever you wish.

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Quivering on the Brink – The Inner World of Mankind

Urantia is now quivering on the very brink of one of its most amazing and enthralling epochs of social readjustment, moral quickening, and spiritual enlightenment.
[Paper 195:9.2, page 2082.7]

According to The Urantia Book, the cultural epochs of our world have been sponsored and fostered in all sorts of ways. That none of these epochs have unfolded as planned just confirms that free will and human choice have been given free rein in this backward corner of creation.  And now we find ourselves quivering on the brink of one of our world’s “most amazing and enthralling epochs”. Given the geopolitical landscape, the rise and self-assertion of so many self-interested factions, and the imposition of disruptive technologies, it’s safe to say many familiar systems and assumptions will soon be forced to evolve. Which makes one wonder: is it possible for humans to steer such evolution? Can wise leadership help humanity navigate the upcoming “interesting times”? Can sincerity and good intentions help civilization to advance?

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Reveal Truth effectively in the Power of Revelation and the Wisdom of Evolution

It was our first conversation.  After some back and forth on the phone, I asked, “How can I help you?”  I could feel my new friend’s answer come from the depth of his soul: “I want to get better at introducing The Urantia Book to others.”  For days I pondered what he said, awaiting fresh insight to offer in return.  This essay continues the conversation.

We know what The Urantia Book has done for us, and we see a world that needs to change in the light of its truths.  It may seem that the obvious thing to do is to go forth as evangelists proclaiming the book.  We meet people and introduce it to them, but sometimes things don’t go well, and we may feel strange and wonder what to do.

We will succeed in revealing truth to our world in a way that is divine and wise if we combine the courage to reveal with the wisdom of evolutionary methods, adapting what we teach and how we teach to the other person’s receptivity.
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About Study Days

Encouraging and Promoting Regional Gatherings

Every year ANZURA encourages study group hosts to hold a special study group day where a particular paper from The Urantia Book is studied on the same day (or over the same weekend) by all those study group hosts who volunteer to host these groups in their homes.

When ANZURA assists in coordinating this annual Study Day, the intent and hope is to provide an opportunity for readers to participate in a specially formed study group in their regional area. The value of meeting with other readers is not to be underestimated—after all, our personal growth and religious experiences are best fostered while we are relating—inter-acting—with other personalities—other people!

In this way ANZURA attempts to foster a sense of belonging and cohesion among Urantia Book readers. Very importantly, such events can also encourage leadership and outreach as practical involvement in study groups can strengthen our resolve and dedication to fulfill the mandate of disseminating the Urantia revelation with a personal approach.

Any reader who wants to take part can do so by contacting the nearest host, (contact details for Australia and New Zealand are published in advance.) It is a moving experience to study a paper in the knowledge that so many other groups, all over the world, are studying the same paper at the same time.

Study group hosts are all readers of The Urantia Book and have given permission to refer other readers to them. They have done this to enhance mutual understanding of the teachings of the book and to establish friendships with other readers. In giving their names to you, we ask that you use them only to contact these individuals and for no other purpose. Also, we are not necessarily able to make any representations to you that the individuals to whom we refer readers are adequately informed about the book, or that they are individuals with whom you would like to associate or study. These kinds of decisions are largely personal in nature, so we leave them with you.

Please note: Study Groups are the sole responsibility of the Study Group hosts. ANZURA’s involvement is purely to coordinate and communicate news and information about them to the Urantia Book reader community.

Next Study Day

Read More to view reflections from past Study Days.

National Study Day 2018

This year’s National Study Day, where you can participate in a study group in your local area and read the same paper on the same day as other readers, will be held on Saturday 19 May, 2018.  We’ll be studying Paper 36: The Life Carriers.

Life does not originate spontaneously. Life is constructed according to plans formulated by the (unrevealed) Architects of Being and appears on the inhabited planets either by direct importation or as a result of the operations of the Life Carriers of the local universes. [Paper 36:0.1, page: 396.1] 

We have invited the international readership to join us so that we may be united in spirit with students of The Urantia Book across the entire globe. 

Finding a Study Group Near You

You will find contact details of the Study Group Hosts at Simply contact the host nearest to you for details of how the day will be structured.

What if there are no groups in your area?

If you are a solitary student with no other readers nearby, you may want to consider joining the online International Study Day on Urantia Association’s Forum at Another option is to join a “virtual” study group via Zoom. For more information on virtual study groups contact ANZURA by either calling us on 0431 285 943 or emailing us at:

Warm regards,
ANZURA Governing Board

President’s Reports – Arena 2017


 President’s Report—Autumn 2017

William Wentworth

I indulge myself by reversing the order of events and bringing the latest to the fore.  Last week the Canberra Study Group made the trip to Sydney to share in the Sydney Group’s regular monthly study.  It was a resounding success.  The Sydney group treated us Canberra dwellers as if we were already part of their group, and the level of discussion was definitely elevated above what it would likely have been if the two groups had met separately.  This was a classic demonstration of the value of inter-study group association.  It is an enthusiasm of mine which I am delighted to see coming to fruition.

The benefit comes not simply from having a greater number of readers at the meeting, though that in itself can intensify the discussion.  It is mainly that each separate group has spent time developing its particular point of view, to a certain degree of specialisation, and then combining those specialised points of view after they have been so developed.  In particular, the Canberra group has a strong scientific and philosophical tendency to be combined with the Sydney group’s humanitarian and empathetic strength, producing extension of the frames of reference of both groups.

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New Zealand Corner – 2017


New Zealand Corner – Autumn 2017

Ian Campbell


The summer months have been business as usual for the NZ readers. Our online and face-to-face meetings have been well attended. Neville and I are members of the UAI Study Group Committee, which has recently organised a survey of UB readers to discover their membership of study groups and, if they are not members, what the barriers are to becoming one. The results of the survey should be available soon.

The Publication Mandate (1955) exhorts us to form thousands of study groups:

“…Thousands of study groups must be brought into existence and the book must be translated into many tongues. Thus will the book be in readiness when the battle for man’s liberty is finally won and the world is once more made safe for the religion of Jesus and the freedom of mankind…”

“…The book belongs to the era immediately to follow the conclusion of the present ideological struggle. That will be the day when men will be willing to seek truth and righteousness. When the chaos of the present confusion has passed, it will be more readily possible to formulate the cosmos of a new and improved era of human relationships. And it is for this better order of affairs on earth that the book has been made ready…”

It’s interesting to speculate about what was meant by the term “present ideological struggle” and how and when this might reach a conclusion. The term has been used to describe several conflicts of ideologies over the 30 years that the Urantia papers were being received until the mandate appeared in 1955. The two most notable are the struggle between capitalism versus communism and materialism versus religion. I think that the rest of the mandate paragraph points more to the latter.

At present most scientists believe only in a material physical reality where consciousness is created and supported by a physical brain that relies on physics, chemistry, biology and electricity. Some even question the existence of free will because they cannot see how consciousness (being a product of the brain) can in turn influence brain function to make the body move.

There are several paradoxes that scientists cannot resolve with their current view of reality: the double slit experiment, “spooky” action at a distance, Zeno’s paradox, why the speed of light is constant, and others.

To resolve these paradoxes a growing number of scientists are turning to a new theory of reality. They are proposing that our physical matter reality is a virtual reality that was created and is supported by forces outside of our physical reality. The theory of how such a virtual reality might work is less important than the growing belief among scientists that their physical matter reality may, in fact, be virtual.

The general population, especially the young, are quite familiar with virtual reality computer games like Second Life, World of Warcraft, and The Sims. They will readily absorb the concept that their physical universe could be running on a very sophisticated simulator that resides outside of that physical universe.

The similarities are fairly straight forward:

Players in a virtual reality computer game Humans in a simulated physical reality
Players observe their view of the game as a moving image on their own computer screen together with sound effects. Humans observe their physical material world through the stimulation of the senses at the mental level.
Players make choices based on their observations, experience, knowledge of the game rules and their own game objectives. Humans make choices based on their observations, experience, knowledge of the laws of nature and their own life objectives.
Players communicate their choices to the computer using manual game controllers, mice or keyboards.
(eg choosing to move their character’s body)
Humans communicate their choices to the simulator as acts of free will intent at the mental level.
(eg choosing to move their physical body)
The computer rejects any player choices that violate the game’s rule set.
(eg trolls can jump but they can’t fly).
The simulator rejects any human free will intent that violates the laws of nature.
(eg humans can jump but they can’t fly).
The computer updates the personalized world view of each player on their individual screens and headphones. The simulator updates the personalized world view of each human by stimulating the senses of their individual minds.


If the high priests of science do profess their belief in a physical reality that is a simulation, the general population will easily deduce that the simulator must, itself, be outside of the physical reality that it is simulating; just as the computer that runs a virtual reality game cannot be part of the game that it is running. The obvious next question is, “If our physical reality is a simulation then where is the (nonphysical) simulator and, more importantly, who is the (nonphysical) programmer?”

Once the genie is out of the bottle there will be no putting it back! The Internet, which allows previously isolated groups to find and communicate with each other, won’t let the question go away. The current materialistic view of science could simply become the study of the rule set of our physical reality simulation (as it should always have been) making the contemplation of the spiritual reality that created and supports our physical universe a valid pursuit once more.

Whether or not the physical universe is a simulation, the fact that a growing number of scientists are turning to this belief to solve current scientific paradoxes will eventually destroy the purely materialistic view of reality, and bring to a conclusion the present ideological struggle mentioned in the Publication Mandate in 1955.

Will we be ready? Will we have thousands of study groups? How much time do we have?


New Zealand Corner – Winter 2017

Ian Campbell

The winter weather has been quite a trial for many parts of New Zealand.  We’ve had snow down to sea level in Southland, and in the high country of the central North Island. Heavy rain with flooding and landslides almost everywhere else has caused pasture damage and road closures. I think NZ would have perfect weather if it didn’t get stuffed up by a large continent to the west of us!

Fortunately, despite the bad weather, study group meetings have been well attended. Online meetings remain popular and, as fiber broadband continues to be rolled out across the country, the technology gets more stable and reliable. This really is helping the more isolated Urantia Book readers to connect.

We are all looking forward to spring and some of us may be planning trips to Melbourne soon.



New Zealand Corner – Summer 2017/18

Matt Hall

Hi everyone, my name is Damian Matthew Hall (but people call me Matt), and it is my pleasure to come onboard as the New Zealand Rep for ANZURA.  I live in Masterton, New Zealand, with my wife Erin, and have been reading the Urantia Book since the early 2000s.  I originally discovered the Revelation online and was immediately struck by its authoritative tone and ring of truth – it simply made one heck of a lot of sense.  I currently work as an art tutor at a local community-based studio, and a huge passion of mine is interpreting some of the key concepts and themes of the UB through my art, which is primarily portrait-based work.  Thanks to the team at ANZURA for the warm welcome onboard.


Recently, some New Zealand readers gathered for a weekend of study in a lovely Air BnB in Lower Hutt.  It had been about a year since we had gathered similarly, and in the same place, and it is always fantastic to see friends who have such a unique and fascinating common interest, like the Urantia Book. While the gathering was quite informal, with plenty of socialising, food, and banter, we did start studying Paper 195, discussing the integration of the beginnings of the Christian church in Rome and Greece.  Neville also shared a passage from a book he had been reading about the first Christian missionaries in India, and their absolute persistence, bravery and single mindedness to their cause of planting the seeds of the Christian Church in this country.  There were other discussions, on politics, race relations, and seeding the revelation, but what I found really enjoyable was the ability of everyone to remain respectful and friendly even when the conversation got challenging.  I think this is a great sign of the dynamic self-control this group of readers have.  Although we only got together for the weekend, it was fantastic to keep strengthening the bonds we have, and we certainly hope to do this again.


Cheers from across the ditch!




Hepburn Springs 2017 – Conference Report

The most important event to report on at this time is the ANZURA annual conference which was hosted this year by the Melbourne Study Group.

They found a wonderful venue in Hepburn Springs west of Melbourne where the Continental House accommodated and fed us more sumptuously than we are accustomed to.
Ian and Isobel Esmore managed accommodation while Bevan James acted as MC. There were attendees from all the eastern states, as well as visitors from USA and Hawaii. We very much missed the New Zealanders who were not able to make it this year.
We heard presentations from Bevan and Ian as well as Dennis D’Jong, Graeme Chapman and Jeff Wattles.
Jeff was visiting from USA and gave an inspiring address. As well as being a long time reader, Jeff is a retiring Professor of philosophy, with a new book on sale now.
Geri Johnson from Hawaii gave a workshop on laughter which had us in stitches!
Sunday worship was conducted by Rita Schaad and Isobel.
Thank you Melbourne for a great Conference.
Next year it is Brisbane’s turn, and Graeme Chapman tells us he has organised the venue in Mooloolaba we had in 2012.

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4-Part Video Introduction to The Urantia Book

Following is a series of short videos created by Nigel Nunn that give a skillful and engaging overview of The Urantia Book that can be shared with Urantia Book readers and non-Urantia Book reader truth seekers alike.

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From ‘..ites’ to Rites

In these papers 78 through 96 of The Urantia Book, spanning some thirty-seven thousand years of Urantia history, we see migration propelling late-stage human biological evolution, and we see the ensuing interplay with formative civilization and religion which can be called social evolution. We see fragments of society and their corresponding fragments of religion sorting themselves out over time ever so gradually towards functional civilization and effective religion.

The description presented in these papers is quite detailed so there is much that admits an interesting comparison with existing knowledge and recent research even if this means restricting our study to the more conventional parts and omitting those parts that appear only in The Urantia Book, such as the specific “races of color” or biological intervention by an Adam and Eve.

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