Mail to:
P.O. Box 1581
Warriewood, NSW 2102
0431 285 943 (from within Australia)
+61 431 285 943 (international)
Email: [email protected]
New Zealand Representative
+64 20 460 6606
Email: Marion Steward
ANZURA’s Governing Board
The Governing Board comprises a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and New Zealand Representative. They are elected and may serve two two-year terms. There is also an Administrator and an Assistant Administrator who take care of the day-to-day operations of the organisation. These positions are currently held by:
President: Rita Schaad
Vice President: Pre McGee
Secretary: Merindi Swadling
Treasurer: Robert Coenraads
NZ Representative: Marion Steward
Administrator: Kathleen Swadling
Assistant Administrator: Rita Schaad