Urantia Book Presentation

Adelaide Body, Mind & Physic Expo

The Adelaide Mind, Body & Physic Expo was held May 28 – 29, 2022 and we decided to book a booth to display The Urantia Book. This was a new adventure for me; I had been doing Urantia Book stall promotions at my local markets for several years and met with very limited success—of late the response was poor. Very few souls were brave enough to have a look at the book, and most that glanced as they walked past where more like startled bunny rabbits and would scamper away if I dared to say hi. So, after abandoning those efforts, I decided that I needed to find a different barrel with more hungry fish.

That’s when I investigated the mind, body, psychic or spirit types of fairs and expos. After finding one here in Adelaide I booked a booth and started getting organised for it. At first, I was not sure if it would even happen as we were still dealing with Covid restrictions but finally it come off and we attended the event. As it ran over two days, I felt that I could not do it by myself, so I called for assistance. Regina Williamson and Beavan James from Melbourne were kind enough to offer their assistance and I eagerly accepted.

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Reflections of Body, Mind and Psychic Expo

First my feelings of anticipation: It’s this weekend! I am excited about the whole thing: travel and expo on Saturday and Sunday, a totally new adventure for me. And what will we be doing there? We, meaning Phillip, the project manager, and Bevan and myself as assistants. We will be presenting God’s revelation to the world by sowing seeds!! We will be promoting the Father’s business and spreading the good news of Jesus’ gospel. Thank you, Phillip, for giving us this opportunity.

Apart from all the above coming true, we also socialised with our Urantia friends and family members. I felt privileged to get to know Colleen, Phillip’s wife and had a wonderful time in their “castle”. I loved it. Thank you, Colleen and Phillip, for your hospitality.

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New Zealand Corner

The winter solstice has just passed and here in New Zealand we are weathering the colder conditions – it’s a time to draw inwards and take time through the long winter nights to reflect on life, the universe, and higher things. In addition to marking the longest night and the shortest day, for the first time this year, just after the winter solstice, the country celebrated Matariki, as a public holiday. This is the beginning of the new year in the Maori lunar calendar and is the Maori name for the Pleiades star cluster, which first rises in late June or early July. In Maori tradition, this celebration involved looking back and mourning those who had passed in the previous year and making forecasts for the year to come.  

Some of us took the opportunity of a new holiday at Matariki to meet up for a study day. Two of us from the Auckland study group drove down to Tauranga where two long time readers from our group had moved to last year. We stayed overnight, and then studied Paper 155 in the morning, which led to some very interesting and thought-provoking discussion and insights, particularly into the religion of the mind and the religion of the spirit.   

We also reflected on key events of the previous year, and in our forecasts of the year to come, the conference in Tasmania was at the forefront. Quite a few New Zealand readers are planning to go, and we are looking forward very much to reuniting with everyone face to face for the first time in some years and enjoying even more stimulating discussions and the great joy of spiritual fellowship.

Doing According to the Urantia Papers

(Editor’s Note: This article has been “mined” from the Archives and is being re-published here. It is a presentation that was given by Neil Francey at the 2002 Queensland conference.)

The aim of this presentation is to explore a technique for acting in accordance with divine grace. Hopefully we will discover how, through our actions, we can have a real and personal experience of living in the loving overcare of our Father while enjoying heightened relationships with our family and friends.

What activities does The Urantia Book highlight as being the most important acts we can do?

  • Home and family
  • Service to others and the community
  • Leading a life that is an example to others (the life of Jesus)
  • Developing a personal relationship with God
  • Faith through worship.

There is an action that operates above and beyond these essential commitments. Before we try to identify this however, we firstly have to define ‘doing’. The Urantia Book had a few surprises for me when I took a close look.

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A Musical Journey Through the Spheres

I discovered some beautifully inspirational music that I would like to share with you. I stumbled upon it while browsing the Urantia DACH website which services German-speaking Urantia Book readers in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.

In May 2020 Nicky Bendix, a talented composer of ambient music from Denmark, published his Urantia Book-inspired album titled ‘Dreams Within Orvonton’. Inspirational compositions seem to be his speciality and although at times complex, they are also simple and relaxing. They let “the listeners fly away into an acoustic journey through the Universe”. I find Nick’s music is nicely suitable as background for the study of The Urantia Book.

Click here to find his music on YouTube. Enjoy!

Thank you Urantia DACH. https://dach.urantia-association.org/blog/

Poem from Amenemope

Explanation from Wikipedia:

Instruction of Amenemope (also called Instructions of AmenemopetWisdom of Amenemopet) is a literary work composed in Ancient Egypt, most likely during the Ramesside Period (ca. 1300–1075 BCE); it contains thirty chapters of advice for successful living, ostensibly written by the scribe Amenemope son of Kanakht as a legacy for his son.

 A characteristic product of the New Kingdom “Age of Personal Piety”, the work reflects on the inner qualities, attitudes, and behaviours required for a happy life in the face of increasingly difficult social and economic circumstances.

It is widely regarded as one of the masterpieces of ancient near-eastern wisdom literature and has been of particular interest to modern scholars because of its similarity to the later biblical Book of Proverbs.

Psalm 1

Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked

or stand in the way that sinners take
or sit in the company of mockers,
but whose delight is in the law of the Lord,
and who meditates on his law day and night.

That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,
which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither—
whatever they do prospers.

Not so the wicked!
They are like chaff that the wind blows away.
Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment,
nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous.

For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous,
but the way of the wicked leads to destruction.

2022 National Study Day

Dear Urantia Book Readers and Friends,

This is a reminder to let you know our annual National Study Day is coming up on the weekend of 18 & 19 June. This is when readers are encouraged to gather in small regional groups to study the same Paper and enjoy the company of like-minded people all on the same day (or weekend) around Australia and New Zealand.

This year we’ll be studying Paper 155 – Fleeing Through Northern Galilee. It aligns with the theme of the conference being held later on in October this year and contains the Master’s teachings about the Religion of Personal Experience.

Study Group hosts are making plans for a get-together in a friendly setting to welcome you. See the table below for contact details of hosts in your area. Hopefully you will be able to meet with some readers to share this Study Day. If you find yourself a solitary student, join us on the day with the knowledge that we are united and motivated in the same spirit. Wishing you an interesting and uplifting experience.

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Registration & Information Brochure

Click on this image for the Information brochure and Registration form for the 2022 Annual Conference in Tasmania:

President’s Report – Summer 2021

Happy New Year and I sincerely hope you have all had a good Christmas and a happy and safe holiday season.

As one year draws to a close and and another one starts, and as Covid-19 restrictions are lifted, let’s hope we will start moving towards some semblance of normality. However, now that the new Omicron variant is throwing a spanner in the works, it remains to be seen whether we can “live with the virus” or not. I feel that in the big picture society, to some degree has been changed forever. I get a sense that we are moving in the right direction, even though sometimes it may seem like a swinging pendulum.

We have had our annual conference which was somewhat modified but nonetheless a success. (See a full report further on in this newsletter.) Thank you to the Sydney group for organising this event. Hopefully our next annual conference in Tasmania will be back to a normal in-person gathering.

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2022 Anzura Annual Conference

21 to 24 October 2022

After two years of virtual conferences, we are optimistic and delighted to invite you to this year’s annual ANZURA conference which is being held as a face-to-face event in October of this year in the stunning tourist destination of Port Arthur in Tasmania. So dust off those unused travel bags and treat yourselves to a long weekend of inspiring experiences and socialising with kindred spirits.

The venue has changed since our first announcement. Instead of holding the conference at the Fox & Hounds Inn we will now be meeting at Stewarts Bay Lodge which is set in a stunning waterfront location and is nestled in a world heritage listed national park. It is within walking distance to Port Arthur’s Historic Site. Stewarts Bay Lodge offers a variety of quality self-contained cabin and chalet accommodation with restaurant, function rooms and recreation facilities all surrounded by a white-sand beach, crystal clear ocean waters and beautiful woodlands.

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