1996 Canberra – Ascenders in the Evolutionary Arena – the beat goes on

1996 – Canberra, ACT at Blackfriars Conference Centre, Watson


Common or garden variety readers, spotted at the 1996 Conference

article from  Summer ARENA – December 1996

Rita remembers

Remember – A carload of eager friends, Joy, Ysbrand, Jessika & me, on a hot October spring day, joy, and how beautiful the country was we drove through, Macquarie Pass, Robertson – the first people we met outside Blackfriars – Christopher and Bridget, the greeting we got from Nigel, Vern and oh, Clyde ready with his first challenge. The pouring rain, just when we wanted to leave for dinner, and how Val and Jess directed us twice around the roundabout, and to the opposite end of Watson – in the darkest and wettest night.

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On the Revelatory Status of The URANTIA Book

Some years ago I wrote an article for the Six-O-Six newsletter implying that the scientific content of The URANTIA Book may contain errors. This statement brought an impassioned response categorically denying that the book could contain error and stating that in no circumstances would the revelators lie to us. The inclusion of a science content section in Innerface has stirred similar emotional responses, the most extreme being that whenever current science is in disagreement with The URANTIA Book, it is science that is wrong and never the book.

I admit to having subscribed to a similar sentiment when I first accepted the book as a divinely authored revelation. Eventually I discovered so many examples of what I felt sure were errors that the demands of simple logic required me either to abandon my faith in the book as revelation or to delve more deeply into the nature of epochal revelation. If the book was not authored by celestial beings, what then are the alternatives? It contains in-depth coverage in many fields of human knowledge–cosmology, physics, chemistry, biochemistry, genetics, geology, anthropology, archaeology, pyschology, biblical scholarship, and then some. It was written prior to the age of computers, computerized data bases, and search and find programs. The amount of research required to write it would have been colossal. And then there was the ‘prophetic’ material I discovered in its pages–such as about neutrinos, supernovas, and neutron stars, the sub-atomic strong force, its statements on continental drift, the time of origin of the solar system–and, in our current Cosmic Reflections section, what might turn out to be a mind-blowing commentary about quantum physics.

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1995 Auckland, New Zealand

Living with The URANTIA Book

Auckland, Devenport – October 1995

Initially the planned  Second Pacific conference at Saint Francis Retreat in Auckland could not go ahead because of low registration numbers. Nevertheless, the NZ readers convened over the weekend with Kathleen and Trevor joining them from OZ!!

The religious challenge of this age is to those farseeing and forward-looking men and women of spiritual insight who will dare to construct a new and appealing philosophy of living out of the enlarged and exquisitely integrated modern concepts of cosmic truth, universe beauty and divine goodness [Paper 2:7.10, page 43.3]

The conference built on bonds of friendship, tolerance and a shared vision of brotherhood under the fatherhood of God made during the first South Pacific Conference.

The vision was expanded further by having a forum where attendees were able to share their respective philosophies of living as they have been enhanced by revelation. Presented their personal experiences in applying the ideas and values gained from the teachings of The Urantia Book as applied to the most important task of mortal existence. Experiencing to the full the life you now live.

…Very important is the work of preparation for the next higher sphere, but nothing equals the importance of the work of the world in which you are actually living.…
[Paper 48:6.section7, page 555:5]


1994 Croyden, Vic – Shepherd’s Pie


Shepherds’ Pie

You who would be the undershepherds of my Father’s flocks must not only be worthy leaders, but you must also feed the flock with good food; you are not true shepherds unless you lead your flocks into green pastures and beside still waters.” [Paper 165:2.6, page 1819.2]

What Happens at the Conference?

This annual event is friendly and informal, usually with 30 to 50 people from many Australian States, and some overseas visitors. It includes presentations and workshops and discussion on relevant topics, news and stories, and opportunities for individuals to facilitate meditation or discussion or study groups.

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1993 Gold Coast – Welcome to the Shores of Paradise

Conference report

From 606 – 1993 Nov/Dec

The 1993 URANTIA Book Readers’ Conference at the Gold Coast is over. As Neil has mentioned elsewhere in this special conference issue of Six-O-Six, it was a terrific gathering for all concerned. The theme ‘Welcome to the Shores of Paradise’ was defined in more practical terms as “sharing insights on how we envisage we can spiritually grow [by] better communication with the divine monitor that dwells within the human mind”.

Neil provided an excellent opportunity for individual readers to give short personal accounts of how they strive to do this, as he explains in the ‘On Reflection’ section in this issue. He also afforded a group-oriented opportunity for all participants to put in their views, with group leaders reporting back to the full gathering their group’s conclusions.

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Presentation given at ANZURA’s QLD conference
(From 606 – 1993 Nov/Dec -final issue)

Ego is a fascinating, heavily value-laden word in your culture. It is seen as a bad thing, a positively unhealthy thing, a thing to be stifled and suppressed. It has come to be identified with egotist (a conceited, boastful person; a self-interested person), rather than ego (one’s image of oneself).

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What Jesus Did

ANZURA Conference presentation given at the Gold Coast, QLD

(From 606 Newsletter – Nov/Dec 1993)

(All emphases within quotes from The Urantia Book have been added.)

Let’s start this quest for knowledge with first examining what Jesus was supposed to do, before we go on to consider what he actually did do, and how that affects us.

We can find out what Jesus was supposed to do by referring to the beginning of Part 4 of The Urantia Book.

Michael had a double purpose in coming to our planet as Jesus of Nazareth. First, he was completing the required bestowal experiences … demanded of all Creator Sons before they can assume complete sovereignty of their created universe …. Second, he was aspiring to the privilege of representing the maximum authority of the Paradise Trinity that can be exercised in the direct and personal administration of a local universe.  (page 1324.1)

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1992 Elanora, NSW – Human Nature and the Twelve Apostles

1992 – Elanora, NSW – 2-5 October 1992

William Arnott  Lodge, Elanora Heights NSW 2101


With the apostles we have fine examples of men at the time Jesus walked our world. In them we can see ourselves. They represent the various personality types we are likely to meet in our own lives. In looking at the character of each of the apostles, the way in which each of them made decisions and interacted with Jesus and each other is very instructive.
By Showing the thinking and life choices they made we can relate to how we do the same. Choices which transform the person. In the case of the apostles, excepting Judas, taking inherited genetic characteristics to achieve spiritual growth through life with Jesus. Growth resulting from triumph of spirit over the natural material tendencies of animal inheritance. Triumph of love.

The apostles are examples of ordinary men doing extraordinary things.

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1991 – Canberra, ACT

 What if….? —What if Truth was more readily accepted?

Announcement – 606 May/June 1991

WHEN:                  Labour Day holiday weekend
from Friday 4th to Monday 7th October with Tuesday 8th an optinal extra day.
WHERE:                Canberra YHA (Youth Hostel Association)
191 Dryandra street, O’Connor

The conference weekend coincides with the Canberra Springtime Floriade ( national flower display) and a trip to the gardens will be incorporated into the program. The YHA backs onto the Black Mountain Nature Reserve which has extensive walking trails. Spring in Canberra can be cold – so rug up.

The conference will officially close on the Monday but Tuesday will be available for those who wish to stay on an extra day.
Accomodation for Monday night will be made available at the homes of readers in Canberra.
Registration forms and further information on accommodation and cost will be included on separate forms with this newsletter

The theme for the conference is “What if…?”
If you require vegetarian meals, please make your request before September 15, as the caterers require two weeks notice. For details of the venue ( YHA Hostel) see map enclosed with this newsletter. For all communications concerning the conference contact

Conference Report

Feedback from the October conference has been mostly favorable, providing Vern Verass and his Canberra Study Group with the requisite ‘warm inner glow’. We note that people came from Queensland, Victoria, New Zealand and Hawaii as well as from Canberra region, and together with the large Sydney contingent everyone guaranteed enough variety to keep things interesting. Thank you all for making our debut such a success.

Comments have been particularly favorable about Nigel Nunn’s presentation in which a high standard of clear thought was matched by imaginative presentation. Ken Glasziou’s impromptu scientific input seems, as usual, to have been very favorable received. And Vern’s own presentation struck exactly the right note.

The ‘Hot Gossip’ session, which initially seemed to us a bit risky, allowed readers to be magnanimous in the face of opposing viewpoints.

There have also been a few murmurs of appreciation about the pre-conference information. People like to have some idea of what they are in for.

But it does seem as though our experiment with a venue which did not provide exclusive use , has been a failure.

To date there have been absolutely no reports that any of the non-readers who traipsed through the middle of the conference proceedings has either bought a book or joined a study Group!!

(William Wentworth – from Six-0-Six –  Nov/Dec 1991)


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1990 – Warburton, VIC – Living as we are meant to live

Report on Conference

(From 606 Nov/Dec 1990)

An Australian meeting of URANTIA Book readers was held on Melbourne Cup weekend, Saturday November 3 to Tuesday November 6. We journeyed to Warburton East, about 80 km east of Melbourne, at the foot of the Great Dividing Range. Springtime weather – three warm sunny days and one fine cloudy day – let us enjoy the charm and amenities of the 12 acre property and the beauty of the whole area.

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