The Perfect Life Plan


The high level of personal development – spiritual insight – can result from the application of the revelations contained in the Urantia Papers. This program gives a simplified yet comprehensive overview of the teachings and is suitable for general readers or for students keen to make a more detailed study.

These sequential quotations can be used as self-directed and self-paced study materials, or they can be used as a resource for a structured education program.

Facilitators require teaching and leadership skills, as well as an in-depth knowledge of the Papers.

There are sixteen modules which divide the teachings into progressive segments. For each module, there are comments which may assist in understanding how these teachings can be applied in day to day life.

There is no set interpretation of these unified concepts, and there is no recommended method of study. And how the information is applied is a personal decision. However, it is possible that this universe frame can provide rational thought patterns which in turn can coordinate actions based on truth, beauty and goodness.

The religious challenge of this age is to those farseeing and forward-looking men and women of spiritual insight who will dare to construct a new and appealing philosophy of living out of the enlarged and exquisitely integrated modern concepts of cosmic truth, universe beauty, and divine goodness. [Paper 2:7.10, page 43:3]

There is in the mind of God a plan which embraces every creature of all his vast domains, and this plan is an eternal purpose of boundless opportunity, unlimited progress, and endless life. And the infinite treasures of such a matchless career are yours for the striving! [Paper 35:5.7, page 365:3].

We think Jesus is divine…He claims to live a perfect life, and we acknowledge that he does. [Paper 161:2.4, page 1785:4]

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Echoes of Eden

Adam was confronted and mightily challenged by the ‘Urantia Problem’, in short, the races though biologically fit, have never been purged of their retarded and defective strains. To this day we are a blend of mixed races the violet race has spread from Mesopotamia to Asia, Africa, Europe and North America. The language barrier, which hindered cultural intermingling in Europe, has been removed in North America, for example, providing the best opportunity since the days of Adam for elevating the cultural level of its citizens.

“The influence of the violet race, though in numbers smaller than planned, has produced an advance in civilization which, since the days of Adam, has far exceeded the progress of mankind throughout its entire previous existence of almost a million years.” [Paper 81:0.2, Page 900.2]

Think on this, had we the benefit of a continuous Edenic culture we would enjoy a more harmonious world than we see today, we would enjoy the benefit of bodies resistant to disease, an upstepped intellectual capacity, and experience a spiritual quickening evidenced in a planetary people reaping the benefits of a world-wide education system communicating in the tongue of the violet people. We know the way to universal peace and cooperation is via the path of a common language.

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Eden and the Adamic Perspective

Canberra Conference 2004

Though it’s obviously difficult to guess just what was taught in Eden 37,000 years ago, the children of Adam and Eve must have been told something of the nature and structure of Nebadon and its component constellations and systems, and particularly of their own future after their sojourn on Urantia was finished.
They would more or less comprehend that the apparent dichotomy between life in the flesh, and the subsequent morontia and spirit lives, is not entirely real.

In our era we are accustomed to thinking of “life after death”, but readers of
The Urantia Book are coming to understand the situation more from the Edenic perspective—that life begins, and passes through various stages. Instead of living, dying, and experiencing “life after death”, we are beginning to see life as a continuum where we are born into a life which extends into the future, a life we share with others in many different forms and phases, and in which we are already participating. Physical death is just a stage along the way.

This allows us to cultivate a vision of our place in the scheme of things where we are collaborating with that vast host of other beings described in the book, some like us, some not, in the great work of evolving an entire universe from an unfinished state to a state of perfection. And the work has already begun. We are not waiting for “life after death” to begin our participation in it.

Though not widely shared at the moment, there is absolutely nothing difficult or secret about this vision.

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No Explanation is possible

We are familiar with the assertion made sometimes by religious believers: ‘To the unbeliever no demonstration is possible, to the believer none is necessary.” If you don’t know God, there is no explanation or proof which can convince you of his reality. Spiritual realities are not susceptible to intellectual demonstration.  Similarly, if you don’t know God, you have ne need of any intellectual verification.

This being the case, why are we so interested in explanations? Isn’t it enough that we know God and try to live our lives in ways we think he approves of? Our mortal minds are so feeble that we couldn’t expect to understand much anyway. As mere babes in the cosmos what can we hope to comprehend anyway about God’s universe? Why bother to try to do what we can never achieve? Why not keep it simple and wait until we have developed the mental capacity to deal with the big questions before attempting to understand? After all, on the Mansion Worlds we will be morontia beings, with enlarged mental capacity, and access to morontia mota. Why not leave it until then?

Well, to be brief, some of us don’t want to leave it ‘till then. So part of October’s conference will involve an attempt to do what we all know we cannot do.

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From Eden to Edentia and Beyond

Introduction to Canberra Conference

As mortals, our ascension career involves being shifted a number of times into larger and more complex universe frames. These changes are part of Michael’s technique to evolve us from mortal to finaliter.

An extreme example of this shifting and expansion of frame, was endured by Michael in his last few years as Jesus. While remaining a dependable, pleasant man of the realm, his own frame of reference changed from bright Galilean, to soul dweller, to ruler of a local universe. Imagine his perspective from this last vantage point.

By the time of his death, when he looked upon his associates and the crowds of crude mortals among which he lived, he would have seen not mere fragile humans, but the embryonic finaliters entrusted to his care by the Paradise Father. He would have seen once again that vast

and exhilarating responsibility—to make Nebadon a reliable bridge across which his Father’s personalised fragments might stride beyond finite shallows, to the adventurous depths of Paradise, and of eternity.

“…Do you not comprehend that God dwells within you, that he has become what you are that he may make you what he is!” [Paper: 148:6.10, page 1664.2]

As he spoke these words, Jesus may have known it was his job to ensure the success of God’s plan to make a divine thing of Man. This scheme involved stabilizing constellations of systems of inhabited worlds, to serve as long ladders up which we billions of ascenders might attempt that “climb from chaos to glory”.

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Mind – and the making of Finaliters

 With eternity and energy available, and Havona in place, the Universal Father revealed the idea of finaliters, beings that would start with nothing, earn everything, then help shape the landscape of eternity. The Eternal Son said, “Let it be!”; the Infinite Spirit said, “Watch this!” What happened next depends upon one’s point of view: the Eternal Son felt his spirit substance manifest in trillions of new ways; the Father greeted his assembled ranks of finalized personalized fragments, tuned for subinfinite penetration of the absolute; the Infinite Spirit, satisfied, took a deep breath, a step back, and surveyed what he had done. The Trinity proclaimed “Perfect!”.

But the finaliters themselves have very different stories to tell. They can speak first hand about how the 3rd Source and Center evoked from absolute potentials a foundation for absonite and eternal activities. The first 31 Papers of the Urantia Book introduce, in a way suitable for our 21st century minds, some of the mechanisms and ministers He employed. In great detail, they describe how He caused these miraculous beings to pour forth from their timebound nest, to stand at the very heart of eternity—how He motivated embryonic finaliters to ascend from their spacetime birth-place to their destined arena of action. These Papers provide, for the first time since Adam, public descriptions of our finite origins and finaliter destiny.

All such finite, evolutionary manipulations relate to things Supreme, things pertaining to that corner of reality bound up by time and space and sequence. While making a finite arena suitable for evolving the projected potentials of ascending adjuster-indwelt mortals, the 3rd Source had to remain consistent with the patterns and purposes of the Ultimate. Enter the Secrets of Supremacy, transcendental linkers with whom he collaborated to weave a finite tuned to allow evolutionary creatures to “personalize the experiencible value meanings of the cosmos”.

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Report on Conferene

First Thoughts and Invitation

Echos of Eden

“Think what it would mean on your worId if somewhere in the Levant there were a world Center of civilization, a great planetary university of culture, which had functioned uninterruptedly for 37,000 years. And again, pause to consider how the authority of even such an ancient center would be reinforced were there situated not far-distant still another and older headquarters of celestial ministry whose traditions would exert a cumulative force of 500,000 years of integrated evolutionary influence. It is custom which eventually spreads the ideals of Eden to a whole world.” [Paper 51:6.3, page 587.1]

What would it mean if superhumans and giants featured in Urantian politics and education? What if the concepts of Eden and ideals of Dalamatia were the traditional beliefs of all people on our world? What if all humanity took for granted that Jerusem was their next stop, and that soul growth was the accepted indicator of temporal success?

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To the inhabited worlds the quickeners of morality portray mortal life as an unbroken chain of many links. Your short sojourn on Urantia, on this sphere of mortal infancy, is only a single link, the very first in the long chain that is to stretch across universes and through the eternal ages. It is not so much what you learn in this first life; it is the experience of living this life that is important. Even the work of this world, paramount though it is, is not nearly so important as the way in which you do this work. There is no material reward for righteous living, but there is profound satisfaction — consciousness of achievement — and this transcends any conceivable material reward. [Paper 39:3.13, page 435.6]

This year’s annual ANZURA conference is hosted by the Melbourne Study Group. Come and explore together the big questions such as: What has been your adventure so far? What lies ahead? Where will your eternal adventure take you…?

During the course of the weekend, our hosts will help us explore various aspects of our eternal adventure by getting us to stretch our minds around good gutsy topics such as the beginnings of the adventure; the destination and stepping stones of the adventure; the physical realms of the adventure;  and the destination of finaliters, and the physical life in relation to the kingdom of heaven.


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Conference Report – Moffat Beach, Qld 2002

The annual Urantia Book readers’ conference held at Dicky Beach on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast from October 10 to 12 was enjoyed by many attendees. “Being and Doing According to The Urantia Book” was the theme and many an interesting discussion was held around this topic.

Queensland readers from the Brisbane, Gold Coast, and Sunshine Coast surrounds hosted the conference. On Saturday Ken Glasziou began by setting the atmosphere for the theme with an inspiring introductory presentation which was followed by Ann Bendall’s thought provoking presentation: “Doing God’s Will—A Process of Being” which stimulated much discussion.

Neil Francey then utilised an open discussion method to present his theme of “Do it with Faith—A Process of Doing” and bestowed rewards upon those who were able to guess the answers to some of his really curly questions. David Cook also stimulated much discussion after his presentation on “The Dominion of the Spirit,” and Clarry Neal wound up the first day’s presentations with an inspiring talk on “What Promises doe we have?” where he shared some interesting personal experiences to illustrate his points.

Sunday began with a singing and worship session conducted by David Cook, and David Shannon lead us all down to a beautiful outdoor chapel in a rainforest setting where he presented his heart felt talk on “Where are the Limits?” Donna Church wound up the presentations in the outdoor chapel with her grand finale on “Being and Doing within the Context of the Family” where she drew from the many examples found in the life of Jesus. The conference ended with a lively discussion on the family in the context of the Urantia teachings and their relevance in today’s world.

Much socialising and singing was enjoyed throughout the conference and our thanks go to the conference organisers for making this event possible. Next year’s conference will be held in Melbourne and will be hosted by readers from the Melbourne study group. Stay tuned for more information.

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Being and Doing the Extraordinary

“Where are the limits?” –  Originally I titled the paper,   Where are the Limits—to Being and Doing the Extraordinary?

My description of the subject matter became its subtitle in the program. However, I would like you to think of being and doing the extraordinary in your life. When I talk to people about The Urantia Book, I am frequently asked “who wrote it?” and “is it true?” My reply is that it is a series of papers in four parts dealing with: The whole of creation; that part of the universe where we are located; our planet, its origin and purpose; and the

life of Christ from his birth to death. I maintain that the authority of the book is the book itself, as the authority of Christ was Christ himself. The answers to their questions will be found in the book. If it is the truth, then nothing (certainly not opinions) can make it untrue. Likewise if it is not what it says it is, nothing can make it so. It is just what it is. To me truth is a subjective thing. Fact is inalienable— it is, full stop. Our belief in our interpretation of fact is called truth for us. People observing the same fact but with different beliefs and backgrounds may have completely different interpretations. For example, it was once believed that the world is flat, and from some points of view, it still is.
You probably have fresh in your memories the accomplishments of the athletes at the Commonwealth Games in Manchester. Limits of accomplishments were extended every day. Swimmers swam new records pushing the limits further and further out. Weight lifters lifted weights greater than their body weights and then some! These extensions of the accepted limits were illustrated in all sports and athletes rightly became heroes.

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