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Arena – Summer 2023

In This Issue

Presidents Report, Summer Arena 2023

Rita Schaad, Newcastle, NSW

Hello Everyone,

Our conference this year in August was held earlier than usual due to a mistake with booking reservations after Covid. Actually, it turned out to be a perfect time of the year. The springtime weather had already come to the gardens of the venue in Pymble – the Peter Canisius House, and we spent our morning teas in the lovely surrounds of this former Jesuit College.

There were 27 of us, made up of Urantia Book readers from all over Australia and New Zealand. In our conference folders we found a newly fashioned catalogue for the secondary works products we purchased last year. They were displayed on a large table close to the tearoom so our little ‘shop’, with many interesting publications, was very well supported – all proceeds from sales go to ANZURA. (See the full conference report further in this issue.)

The AGM on Sunday was held with members present, and some other non-members were welcome to attend also. Our business was efficiently dealt with, and elections were held for a new Vice President and Treasurer. Our Secretary, Merindi Belarski beamed in via Zoom! The new board consists now of:

President – Rita Schaad
Vice President – Pre McGee (replaced Ian Campbell)
Secretary – Merindi Swadling
Treasurer – Robert Coenraads (replaced Daniel Swadling)
New Zealand Representative – Marion Steward

We welcome Pre and Robert to the board and look forward to working with you both. Many thanks go to Ian Campbell from New Zealand and Daniel Swadling from Sydney who had served their two terms on the board for four years. And we give another big thank you to the Swadling brothers, Daniel and Andrew who worked on the conference theme and program and planned the execution of this conference, which was packed with stimulating presentations, inspiring conversations and even a fun-filled quiz night. May we all meet again next year!

Our next conference will be held in Victoria next year 4 – 7 October 2024. We are lucky to have secured a booking at the Edmund Rice Centre in Amberley, Lower Plenty, Melbourne. We held a conference there back in 2007. Members of the Melbourne Study Group have graciously volunteered to be our hosts and have already begun the organization of this event. See further details in this Arena.

President’s Musings

I’d like to share with you a few of my recent musings on what it means to be qualified to ‘have and opinion’.

With all the current upheavals in the world, I have searched on YouTube and read articles to find some ideas of how to understand what is going on. There are more opinions out there than I need to digest my queries; some of the presenters I trust more than others. I tend to go by my gut-level feeling with these influential people – if the content is qualitative, and if my understanding and experiences match up, then I am ready to come to a conclusion about a particular issue I want clarification for. A great help in forming my own opinions is to find some background – look for historical events that go back beyond my living years and consult the archives. Of course, this might lead me down a ‘rabbit hole’ where I come out another end altogether. But all this searching for truth and the right attitude is part of our living experience.

Doesn’t it say in The Urantia Book, that religion is not only about the right way of living but also about a way of thinking? This is so important to bear in mind when recognising ‘religion’ – the way we relate to the Spirit within ourselves and in others.

Another measure to bear in mind when making decisions is this quote from the book:

The soul that survives time and emerges into eternity must make a living and personal choice between good and evil as they are determined by the true values of the spiritual standards established by the divine spirit which the Father in heaven has sent to dwell within the heart of man. 132:2.2 (1457.5) emphasis mine

It is surely acceptable to orient ourselves on the wisdom of individuals who have experience in a particular field and who we consider to be qualified to have an opinion about a certain matter. We trust them and can make up our own minds about it – for the time being at least. It’s like important scaffolding, without which we cannot build anything or go forward.
I believe we need to get involved in the current issues, engage in mental work, and grapple with the difficult problems we are facing, just as we demand it from those who are in leadership positions who are making decisions for our benefit.

The third part of The Urantia Book gives us that vast historical story of our planet and its inhabitants. The evolution over millions of years is just mindboggling when we consider the myriads of minute details the Life Carriers have fostered and watched over. There must have been many disappointments and mistakes in their experiments that they had to acknowledge. The human race made sure there were plenty of upheavals and skirmishes amongst each other that perhaps would have made them scratch their heads about us.

These reflections on our evolution are a way for us to compare and gage our progress in the plan to live peaceably with each other. The scaffolding for this plan to live in peace has been dismantled over and over again, and one wonders if we’ll ever succeed in building that permanent structure, we seem to have an inner template for.

As Urantia Book readers, we learn to trust the opinions and promises of those who ‘know whereof they speak’ in order to find the priorities in our daily lives amongst the turbulence around us. We hope and trust that our opinions – ‘forged between the hammer and anvil’ do matter in the scheme of things, and the great think-tank of the Cosmic Mind offers ideas to those that search for better ways of solving today’s problems. And we hope and trust that we will get there – to a time of ‘Light and Life’ as is promised for this blue sphere while we do our part in the here and now! And personally, we do the same when contemplating what comes after we’ve closed our eyes down here. The promise has been given for increased and ongoing growth, wonder, and awe by learning and understanding ever more of what there is in our cosmic home.

Let us confidently trust and depend on the words spoken on high, while we cheerfully put our shoulders to the wheel, get dusty along the way, and dare to venture out to have and share our opinions! When speaking our Truth, let us be as wise as serpents and as gentle as doves’.

2023 ANZURA Annual Conference Report

Daniel Swadling, Sydney

It has been an honour and a privilege to be involved in bringing this conference to Urantia Book readers of Australia and New Zealand which was held 25 – 28 August in Pymble, Sydney. It was well attended with people coming from across Sydney, Newcastle, Central Coast, Melbourne, Canberra, Hobart, Adelaide, WA, New Zealand and the USA. Thank you all for coming! We had a great time catching up with old friends and making new ones, engaging with each other and exploring much about our favourite topics!

The theme for this conference was Talkin’ Bout A Revelation and the problem we wanted to try to address was how we, as a readership, talk about The Urantia Book revelation with people less familiar with it. And despite being avid followers of its teachings, we seem to lack some basic principles and adequate tools or experience in attractively conveying its concepts to new readers. It is hoped that the conversations started at this conference have been helpful and that the problem will continue to be addressed.

“Freely have you received; therefore freely should you give of the truth of heaven, and in the giving will this truth multiply and show forth the increasing light of saving grace, even as you minister it.” 176:3.10 (1918.3) 

The act is ours, the consequences God’s. 48:7.13 (556.13)

We were treated to the following excellent presentations:

  • Introduction and Keynote: Talkin’ Bout A Revelation – Daniel Swadling
  • Has Your Time Come? – Rex Merrett & Christine Bannigan
  • Do Your Discovery Before Pitching the Gospel – Julian Martin
  • The Ministry of Mind – Trevor Swadling
  • Evolution & Revelation: A method of seed-planting and expansion – Rita Schaad
  • Spiritual Meditation and Remembrance – Robert Coenraads
  • The Revelation Tone – Chris Wood, USA
  • Understanding People – Andrew Swadling
  • Finding and Attracting New Readers – Phillip Marriott
  • How can we adorn our message with Truth, Beauty, and Goodness? – Julian McGarry
  • A Guided Musical Meditation from the Piano – Gordon Tayler, WA

Chris Wood from the United States, and Gordon Tayler kindly presented via Zoom. Gabriel Rymberg from Israel had also intended to Zoom in with an update on The Center for Unity projects, but unfortunately had to cancel due to travel disruptions.

While one weekend was never going to be enough time to completely cover every angle of the problem of how we talk about the revelation, some of the main conclusions we can draw from the presentations and discussions are:

1. In the first instance, be attractive. We who have embraced the teachings are ambassadors of The Urantia Book. Have things right in our own selves first before trying to teach others, embody what we have learned, demonstrate what the ‘good news’ looks like in practice. Probably the best way to teach the values we’ve gained from the book is in how we live our own lives, that is, be attractive in how we act, think, and behave in the world. Truth is a lived, genuine spiritual experience.

2. We have all been deeply moved, and our lives greatly improved by what we’ve learned from The Urantia Book, and we naturally want to share it with others whenever we can. But we would be wise to avoid the kinds of approaches that are likely to turn people off such as, being over-zealous, forceful, preachy, or proselytising, or using Urantia Book jargon and unfamiliar terms. Even simply handing someone the book isn’t necessarily very effective. The approach demonstrated by Jesus in his life connecting with and teaching us is a better one to emulate.

3. People we meet will of course have vastly different personalities as well as individual, religious and cultural backgrounds. Often it’s when people are in a crisis or have lost self-respect that they look for deeper meanings and answers to very fundamental questions about their lives, and we should be sensitive to their circumstances and any vulnerabilities, and careful not to further diminish their self-respect.

4. If we see someone who seems to be in need, or someone asks us about the ‘big questions’ or indeed directly about the book, then have a strategy in mind that you can use to determine what exactly their needs are and their receptivity to the answers The Urantia Book can provide. Such as:

  • Before attempting to offer them answers and truths from the book, find out a bit about them first. Be genuinely curious about the person and ask open-ended questions to discover their background and their personality. Find out what they’re thinking, what their problems are, what their questions are, what they are looking for, what’s missing in their lives, and their needs and requirements.
  • Build rapport by showing empathy, respect and understanding. Show them they’re valued and build a trusting environment, make a genuine caring connection with them.
  • Have a broad understanding of the book and present the features and advantages of the book’s teachings in a way that matches their needs and shows their value to them.
  • Tailor our approach and the kind of solutions we’re offering to meet the person’s needs. Not everyone will be ready to accept the entire Urantia Book or indeed even the gospel of Jesus. However, we could also refer to the earlier revelations that may still provide the help they need to meet their challenges.
  • Be mindful of the language we use, try to express concepts and truths in everyday language that is easy to understand and not off-putting. Keep to simple points and don’t trail off onto long-winded tangents that may overwhelm.
  • Build on truths they already hold. Add what is positive, rather than try to take away the negative.
  • Ask questions to confirm you’ve understood them correctly, and that what you’ve presented provides the solutions and answers they’re looking for. If there’s any misunderstanding or objections then ask more open questions to discover what you might have missed, there may be further insights from the book to provide.
  • Adopt a tone of casual and gentle certainty in your own convictions, but don’t force your views upon them, allow them to make their own decision about what you have presented. Remember that we may be only providing a step in someone’s spiritual journey, and the degree of spiritual need within them will determine their level of receptivity.

5. Keeping abreast of new developments and discoveries in history, archaeology, cosmology, science, health, religion, etc. can provide opportunities to discuss and share the insights into these fields that we’ve gained from The Urantia Book.

Further to this, we were reminded that our personal study of the book can take various forms. Such as, creating art and musical works, books, essays, talks and podcasts—endeavours that can reveal insights to us that can be shared with others. And reviewing such works by others can greatly increase our own understanding of the book.

Thank you to all who presented and contributed to the running of this excellent conference. Special thanks must go to Julian Martin for running the Urantia Trivia night under difficult circumstances and still making it fun! And to Robert Coenraads for his sublime meditative interlude which helped us to shift our focus onto mind and allow spiritual elements to dominate. And of course, to Nigel Nunn for his generosity and knowledge in the evening Q&A session—it’s always satisfying to hear his clear and entertaining insights into astrophysics, Urantia Book cosmology, and the worlds to come! And special thanks also to Kathleen Swadling and Rita Schaad for their tireless efforts. We know how much work you do and we’re very grateful for keeping all the essential things running at the office.

We look forward to seeing you all again and joining the Melbourne mob at next year’s conference!

I leave you with these comforting words encouraging us all to maintain that living spiritual connection with Jesus, our friend, brother, and teacher:

“You must abide in me, and I in you; the branch will die if it is separated from the vine. As the branch cannot bear fruit except it abides in the vine, so neither can you yield the fruits of loving service except you abide in me. Remember: I am the real vine, and you are the living branches. He who lives in me, and I in him, will bear much fruit of the spirit and experience the supreme joy of yielding this spiritual harvest. If you will maintain this living spiritual connection with me, you will bear abundant fruit…Herein is the Father glorified: that the vine has many living branches, and that every branch bears much fruit. And when the world sees these fruit-bearing branches — my friends who love one another, even as I have loved them — all men will know that you are truly my disciples.” 180:2.1 (1945.4)

2024 Annual Conference in Melbourne

ANZURA Conference Committee

4 –7 October 2024

The year is slipping by so not long now for this year’s ANZURA Annual Conference which is being held 4 –7 October at the Edmund Rice Centre in Lower Plenty, Melbourne. Registrations are now open so if you are planning on coming please let us know soon. See further on for registration details.


Urantia Stock-Take – Past, Present and Future. How are we travelling? “Are we there yet”? If not, what do we need to do?

“Are we there yet”? Well, we’re working on it aren’t we? “How are we travelling?” and “What do we need to do to get there”? These are the big question we will attempt to tease out at this year’s conference. The information revealed in The Urantia Book is a treasure-trove of spiritual insight, cosmic revelation, and historical knowledge. The answers to these questions are all in there just waiting to be discovered. The importance and seriousness of this storehouse of priceless gems is almost beyond description. The unveiling of the true teachings of Jesus and who he actually was, and where he came from, gives power to those compelling teachings on Faith, Worship, Service, and Love. We need to be passionate about the entire Urantia revelation—from the Paradise Trinity down to the material worlds—to understand the significance of the big picture we are given of the past, present, and future of ourselves and the cosmos.

The world’s problem is the individual problem. Reality is made up of an accumulation of our decisions—the consequences of which fan out to the broader community. Each one of us can make a big difference when we embrace a true and living faith and when we are wholeheartedly dedicated to the doing of the Father’s will. This national gathering will give us the opportunity to enjoy the process of idealising our future. We can each bring our own understandings, interpretations, and experiences to the table and get those ideas out to the ‘movers and shakers’ of the Cosmos. Because we are all unique, we will naturally find different ways of sharing the teachings—let’s not forget what we are told about the apostles:

They made no effort to teach alike; there was no standardized or dogmatic formulation of theologic doctrines. Though they all taught the same truth, each apostle presented his own personal interpretation of the Master’s teaching. 148:1:2 (1657)

We hope you will join us in discussing this life and its challenges. We will refer to the material found in The Urantia Book and consider the hurdles and disruptions we face in achieving harmonious progress. We will discuss the role this information can play in helping us to grow spiritually and to become positive and valuable citizens. When we “dare to be Godlike” (160:1.12)—the fruits of the spirit make us spiritually fragrant providing the power to spread the “benign virus of love”.

If each mortal could only become a focus of dynamic affection, this benign virus of love would soon pervade the sentimental emotion-stream of humanity to such an extent that all civilization would be encompassed by love, and that would be the realization of the brotherhood of man. 100:4.6 (1098.3) emphasis added

“Freely have you received; therefore freely should you give of the truth of heaven, and in the giving will this truth multiply and show forth the increasing light of saving grace, even as you minister it.” 176:3.10 (1918.3)


The Edmund Rice Centre ‘Amberley’ is on 20 acres of natural bushland and is Retreat and Conference venue situated on a bend of Melbourne’s Yarra River in Lower Plenty overlooking Westerfolds Park to the Dandenong Ranges. The grounds offer walking tracks, tranquil gardens, and a Chartres’s replica labyrinth. Amberley has become a place of reflection and spirituality for all who enter its doors. Guests to Amberley comment on the calm and serene atmosphere of this place so close to the bustle of Melbourne.

Amberley is approximately 20 kilometres from the heart of Melbourne and 40 minutes from Melbourne’s International Airport and has easy access to both the Western Ring Road and the Eastern Freeway.


Full Conference: $520.00 includes 3 nights of twin-share accommodation and all meals from Friday dinner to Monday breakfast.
Daily Rate: $100 – includes lunch and dinner.
Daily Rate: $50 – includes lunch only.


All meals are provided from Friday dinner to Monday breakfast along with morning teas. Amberley provides home-style meals in the art deco styled dining room or the balcony overlooking the Yarra River. The catering team freshly prepares all of their meals on-site and offer a wonderful variety of food from breakfast right through to dessert. Special dietary requirements can be met with prior notice.


The Edmund Rice Centre is located at 7 Amberly Way, Lower Plenty, Melbourne VIC. There is no public transport directly to the conference centre. However, if coming from the airport you can take a shuttle bus into the city then catch a train to Rosana (which is the closest train station.) From Rosana it is about 10 minutes in a taxi or Uber. If coming by car, it is best to get to get directions from your GPS or Melbourne Street directory.


Follow the registration link below for the registration brochure, print out the registration form, fill it in and return to us with your payment. (Apologies but we have no online facilities for payments. Payment options are included on the form.)


For further information please contact ANZURA:
Phone: 0431 285 943
Mailing Address: PO Box 1581, Warriewood NSW 2102

Talkin’Bout A Revelation

Daniel Swadling, Sydney

(Opening plenary presentation at 2023 Annual Conference, Sydney)

Hello everyone and welcome to Sydney! And thank you all for making the journey, and for zooming in, to our conference for Urantia Book readers from Australia and New Zealand. It’s a beautiful part of the world here on Sydney’s leafy north shore, and this is looking like a great venue; we’re very fortunate to have access to such fine facilities here in this college. And we’d like to express our thanks and gratitude to all who have been involved in giving us such a pleasant environment here in which to meet. A warm welcome, and many thanks also, to those who are here and supporting us in spirit, and to our brother, teacher and friend Christ Michael and his comforting spirit embracing us all.

It’s good to see you all again, and I’m sure we’re all looking forward to a great weekend of catching up with each other, listening to inspiring presentations and having some stimulating discussions about everything we’re passionate about.


I have to say, I think last year’s conference in Tasmania was one of the best I’ve ever been to. I had such a great time, and I must thank Julian and the organisers once again for doing such a great job in making all that happen. However, I came away from that conference a little troubled. But as we all know, a little bit of trouble isn’t such a bad thing, we might even say it’s inevitable. There had been several discussions, and at times passionate concern expressed, about how ineffective we seem to be in speaking to non-readers and attracting people to the teachings contained in these Papers that we know and treasure so well. This touched a nerve on a problem that has concerned me for quite some time. And which, as I found out, was a concern broadly shared by many others, some of whom will speak this weekend.

In today’s world, there is much confusion, mistrust, disillusionment, resistance and apathy about religion in general and Christianity specifically. And much of it completely justified. Mention the name ‘Jesus,’ and many people instantly glaze over and prime themselves to reject or dismiss whatever you’re about to say. Mention the word ‘religion,’ and they’ll do the same. Both words are loaded with baggage, preconceptions, negative views and connotations, are contentious and can lead to conflict. People have already formed their views on these subjects and either don’t want to talk about it, want to avoid conflict, or don’t want their views challenged in any way. Or, alarmingly, one thing I do hear a lot these days is, they simply don’t need it. We enjoy such a good standard of living these days in Western countries really, what is missing from people’s lives who basically have everything they need?

Atheism and agnosticism owe much to the way religion and concepts of God are presented to today’s well-educated society. The disbelief is in what has been offered. But review and change the definitions, and update the facts and the narratives about anything, including religion and God, and people’s beliefs can also change. I heard even the atheist Richard Dawkins admit recently that he has a greater understanding of people believing in the concept of, and worshipping, the loving parental God as presented by Jesus in the New Testament, than the vengeful, spiteful and jealous God of the Old Testament. Change of hearts and minds can happen, it just needs to be done in the right way.

And people are always looking for meaning.

Problem and Reason for Conference

Urantia Book readers love to talk about their favourite book! And of course, it has brought much, very much meaning to our lives. But in our enthusiasm, we can sometimes be overzealous, unrestrained and indiscriminate in what we say about the book. Many non-readers upon hearing us either become completely overwhelmed by the content, are incredulous or offended, or simply turn off when contentious subjects are raised. And so we tend to avoid it altogether. We readers have no such trouble when talking about the book amongst ourselves. We love to explore its meanings more deeply, and together at study groups etc., where we can speak freely and openly about it all, without the other person thinking we’re crazy. But we seem to lack some basic principles by which to gradually disclose the material, or have the skills and tools, or are practiced and confident enough in broaching and teaching Urantia Book concepts to people unfamiliar with the book.

Perhaps it’s time to talk a bit about – how we talk about the book.

We should be taking a lesson from our teacher when he told his Apostles to:

“… ever be wise in your choice of methods for presenting the good news to the different races and tribes of mankind.” 191:4.4 (2042.1). And:

“Learn to weigh the consequences of your sayings and your doings. Remember that the reaping is in accordance with the sowing. Pray for tranquillity of spirit and cultivate patience. These graces, with living faith, shall sustain you.” 192:2.8 (2048.4)

When I got home after the Tassie conference, I was mulling all this over and thought, we can do something about this. Knowing that, ‘the act is ours, the consequences God’s,’ it’s time to put aside the worries and have a go! And realising that this is a concern commonly shared, why not get everyone together and put our minds to work, to consider and discuss practical ways in which we can deal with this problem. And that is what we hope to do here at this conference, dear friends, all of us. We all love coming to conferences to be with such sympathetic and understanding fellows and being so uninhibited in discussing The Urantia Book. But it’s time to use this sort of opportunity, with all the knowledge, talent and resources we have here, to share, explore and develop some practical tools and techniques, and personal approaches we can use when talking about this revelation and its teachings with people unfamiliar with it. We are not a secret club. The first rule of Urantia Book students cannot be, ‘we don’t talk about The Urantia Book.’ It must be, “freely you have received, freely give.” 193:0.5 (2053.1)

We need to ask and address such questions as:

  • How can the teachings of The Urantia Book help people to meet present day challenges and improve their lives?
  • How do we best articulate the teachings and the values, the guiding philosophy, the cosmological insights and the universal love, that we’ve learned from reading this book?
  • How best to share all this with people around us that seem to have increasingly: less time, less open-mindedness, less tolerance, less care, more confusion, more self-interest, ever more secular and materialistic tendencies, more despair, an increased scepticism of anything religious or spiritual, and an ever-increasing need for the life-saving knowledge that we have to offer them?

You may be aware of the many initiatives happening around the world that are increasing the profile of The Urantia Book. And we’ll be hearing an update later from Gabriel Rymberg in Israel on the Center for Unity projects as an example of this. We in this part of the world I think are not ready for the exposure that’s coming. We need to be ready and have tools, strategies, and some eloquence when we talk about the book. We do not want to be like poor old Peter in the courtyard, in denial. We need to be ready to deal with the question of, ‘How do you know?’ in an evidence-demanding world. We need to expect challenge, ridicule, and criticism. Preparation and courage are required.

The reasons for this conference are twofold:

1. There is a need for our world to hear what we have to say; there always has been. But perhaps the need is now even greater with the declining influence of the traditional religions.

2. We seem to lack the confidence, or the skills needed to convey our message attractively, and in an appealing way, to draw in others’ interest, to make improvements in their lives.

In the presentations and discussions, we’ll be having this weekend, we will be looking at just what are some of the keys we need to have foremost in our minds when talking about this revelation to people who don’t know about it, to open their minds and let the soul-inspiring message in. We’ll be:

  • Considering the gulfs that can exist between our own and other people’s realities.
  • Getting to know, attempting to understand and engage various personality types and interests.
  • Looking to discern fertile ground for receptivity of this revelation, asking the right probing questions and opening up conversations.
  • Examining some of our background, the interface between evolution and revelation.
  • Exploring the issue of discussing the spiritual in an increasingly secular society.

We’ll also look at the tone and language we can utilise to make our message sweet and appealing, that makes the revelation attractive to the person we’re speaking with. And how we can overcome criticisms and objections without alienating. We’ll review some of the approaches that are already being used and see how they’re going. We’re also hoping to look at whether there is something about the Aussie and Kiwi character to consider. We’re obviously part of Western culture and most obstacles we encounter are not unique to us, but are there attributes that are unique to us that we need to bear in mind and work with or through? We do pride ourselves on being good ‘BS detectors,’ so we in the Urantia community really do have to, as Jesus said, “weigh the consequences of your sayings and your doings.” 192:2.8 (2048.4)

We’re hoping for plenty of participation from everyone. Following each presentation will be an opportunity to discuss what you have just heard and resolve any questions that might arise. And consider how you would approach ideas, or talk about these revealed truths, with non-readers, in natural and everyday language that is attractive and not off-putting; and are expressed so that anyone can relate to and understand; in ways that do no harm to the listener, yourself or fellow readers. These discussions will give you all an opportunity to raise and share anything you think is relevant from your personal experience, including but not limited to what you have gained from involvement in the broader Urantia community.


But before we get into all of that… this revelation does such a great job of clearing up so many of our uncertainties, I want to highlight some that we can be thinking about as we work on how we can discuss them with non-readers.

1. Firstly, the reason for revelation. It’s probably stating the obvious to us, but it should be noted, that there are aspects to our lives and the universe that we cannot and will never discover; that are beyond our instruments and powers of observation, that with our material and mental limitations we lack the capacity to detect or deduce. Yes, we have the rigours of our science and its burden of proof, and it’s extremely powerful and provides great insights into the material world. But it has its limits. It cannot be applied to the metaphysical and non-material aspects of life – which are just as real. The purpose of revelation is to reveal crucial knowledge and information, when we are ready for it, that otherwise would not/could not be discerned by us on our own. But we can’t get ‘everything everywhere all at once,’ that would be completely incomprehensible nonsense, we just get what we can handle to continue on a forward path of growth.

2. Perhaps we could have concluded on our own that there must be a first cause of everything we know and see, but would we have ever deducted the true nature and character of a loving God, existing in a constant state of giving of himself to every individual ever created? Highly unlikely, especially when there is so much hardship and suffering, and solitude, so many problems and upheavals in the natural world and in society. God’s loving nature is one of giving/sharing. His love is demonstrated by the giving of life and freedom, not by preventing suffering, being overprotective, intervening or taking away our obstacles and problems. We can’t be always going to him to solve our problems; he wants us to solve them ourselves and learn. He wants us to do better and improve all the way up to perfection and provides the security of infinite mercy and forgiveness for our mistakes along the way.

The Church knows and tells us that ‘God is love.’ But I’m not sure they’ve fully unpacked this idea. These Papers reveal that God’s love is literally responsible for everything in the vast universe; it is a simultaneous giving and receiving, and the source of all attraction. Gravitational, magnetic and nuclear forces that build the physical fabric of our universe are echoes of God’s embrace. All mind and spirit likewise emanate from him and are ever drawn back towards him. God can’t help but give of himself, infinitely, it is his nature. This giving out has enabled the vast creation of worlds and hosts of beings to inhabit them; we have been given life and a planet in which to live, and to share in God’s existence and to further give to others. The fingerprint of his nature is on everything. A plant will draw itself away from the shade and grow towards the sun’s giving and enriching rays of light, likewise our attention will naturally be attracted to a beautiful thing, idea or truth, or person. Love is a spiritual force, that draws in and holds people together in the bond of relationships and friendships. And in loving the perfect spirit within others, despite all their imperfections, we can emulate God and be God-like, and is how we can return our love for him.

There is a whole new narrative revealed about God that dispels the confusion and despair that people have about why God allows so much pain, trouble and suffering despite supposedly loving us. A narrative that appeals to a logical and reasoning thinker that may have dismissed the notion of God as previously presented, and that outlines a guiding philosophy that will actually go a long way to solving many of the problems we have in our world.

3. The Trinity: we have an account of the Trinity that finally makes some sense and is practical. That is, the differentiation of a singular but giving, sharing God into others he can share with – his representative and his enabler – and thus setting the universal pattern of everything in the universe, providing us with a clearer understanding of the nature of reality. Looked at philosophically, the Trinity can be considered the original thought, relation and action. Pick an example of anything (e.g. a planet, a government policy, you) and it will have these three qualities about it: the idea of it that you can hold in your mind, the actual phenomenon itself, and the relation/articulation between these two, such as a description, explanation, plan, etc. It’s obvious when you see it, but it’s a case of ‘not seeing the woods for the trees.’ These qualities are not incidental, they didn’t come from nowhere, they come from the Trinity, the origin and source of everything: the Father - original thought/idea, the Eternal Son - relation/articulation/‘the word’ of that idea, and the Infinite Spirit - that idea in action/actuality. Three distinct and inseparable levels of reality of the one thing.

Is the idea just as real as the thing it represents? Of course, they’re both real, there is only one reality, they just manifest on a different level of reality. When you think about it, anything we encounter exists on one of these three levels: the level of idea/potential, the level of relation/articulation or the level of action/actuality. Each level is just as real as the other.

4. Another great insight into the nature of reality is the distinction between perfect and imperfect universes, the existential and the experiential. The physicists might be onto something with their theoretical ‘multiverse’ and ‘parallel universes,’ but have they hypothesised these two, could they ever? There is perfection in some of the universe, and it has always existed, is eternal (i.e. no Big Bang there), but it is not where we are. The freedom and wildness of our universe is necessary for creatures like us to live in and experience, but it’s not perfect, and is why there are so many problems here. It is revealed to us that this is intentional. The plan is for us to start here at the bottom of everything and gradually improve our way up, step by step, to perfection. Hence the universal mandate of ‘Be you ever perfect.’

5. It is revealed, as is becoming increasingly probable to our cosmologists, that we are not alone in the universe. The deeper we explore and the more we discover about our universe, the more we find that it appears likely to support other life. But beyond our detection is the non-material life, the architectural worlds and spirit administration of the universe; and the fact that the universe is intentionally designed to support life. As Jesus said, ‘in my father’s house there are many mansions.’ It is revealed to us just what these ‘mansion’ worlds are, who resides on them, where we go when we die, and what we do there. An incredible life of discovery and activity awaits us there; not all lounging back in fluffy clouds and playing air hockey! And the place is friendly, caring and supportive of us in our career after death, not hostile aliens waging forever wars.

6. We also have in this revelation a recount of the whole course of evolution, showing that it was not accidental but purposeful. We can now see that the process of evolution was the technique of ‘creation,’ and that we thinking people were the aim. It reveals the activation of different levels of mind from basic instincts and perception through to knowledge, and right up to the capacities of worship and wisdom. Such a complete account is missing form our records and such an overview not possible when we ourselves are embedded within the tapestry – revelation is required. Us, we are the goal of evolution, creatures with mind that can be recognised as a person – the ‘actual’ to arise out of all that genetic ‘potential.’ A person who is capable and able to choose for themselves, make those choices freely and decide what they will do and how they will live their life and, of course, ultimately choose to live in sync and complete harmony with the universe around them – i.e. according to the will and the way of God.

7. A clear effect of the evolutionary process that any biologist can see is diversity and differentiation. Life finds its niche in just about every part of the world. Through revelation we see that this is part of the process of an infinite God being expressed in infinite ways. Including through the varied races, cultures, and blended peoples of humanity; as well as our different points of view, and different ways of thinking, being and acting in the world. And all of it a part of the design and intent to maximise the expressions of the infinite creator. There are attempts in today’s world to blur and diminish our points of difference, but it’s clear from this account that difference is the point! And realising this, we can remove much of the consternation by embracing diversity, accepting our differences honestly and nobly, and most importantly looking at ways we can unite despite the differences, and all take advantage of this fact of life. Indeed, our civilisation has always progressed in this way. Slowly and unfortunately, sometimes brutally, improvement always eventually comes through the clash of differences in ideas and ways of living, following the inevitable exchange of ideas, knowledge, and beliefs. Peoples kept isolated from this kind of engagement progress much more slowly.

This life is a kind of trial to start learning about difference and how to relate and get along. There is even greater diversity of life and difference in the worlds to come, so the more practiced and prepared we are before we get there, the better.

8. In this revelation religion is redefined. Ah religion— the cause of so much strife in the world! All the terrible things that have been done in God’s name, and ‘with God on our side.’ We learn that religion is not just about a group of people following shared beliefs, practices and traditions, rather it is something very individual and personal. It’s about the personal relationship shared between you and God; not a relationship between you and the church/mosque/temple/etc. It is of no concern to others. None can be an intermediary between you and God. We learn in Paper 103:

The unity of religious experience among a social or racial group derives from the identical nature of the God fragment indwelling the individual. It is this divine in man that gives origin to his unselfish interest in the welfare of other men. But since personality is unique — no two mortals being alike — it inevitably follows that no two human beings can similarly interpret the leadings and urges of the spirit of divinity which lives within their minds… In reality, every human being defines religion in the terms of his own experiential interpretation of the divine impulses emanating from the God spirit that indwells him, and therefore must such an interpretation be unique and wholly different from the religious philosophy of all other human beings. 103:1.1 (1129.8)

I explained this idea to a staunch Christian once and he was shocked. He said, “that sounds like ‘the religion according to Dan,’ isn’t that a bit dangerous!?” And I said, “not if I’m following the golden rule of doing good to others, even loving others as Jesus loved us.” If each and every one of us has their own relationship with God, why should that bother others; and if it results in the guiding philosophy of brotherly love, what is there to fear? The church might fear that it could lose more of its members and influence! But as we now know, this is the religion of Jesus, it has never been properly tried, and anyway, if it leads to genuine ‘peace and goodwill to all men,’ then why on earth not?

9. But the insight with probably the greatest capacity for solving much of the world’s problems, is the revelation that we are all part divine as well as human. There is, apparently, a fragment of God residing within us all! Not just the ‘emperors and kings’ of old or the so-called ‘chosen few’ of today, but the billions and billions of us right across the world. We know this, but it would come as a shock to many people.

Have you ever seen those population clocks with the totals of births and deaths per day? Take a look at this diagram:

As much as I’m loath to reduce people to just a number, have a look at the births and deaths totals, they tick over so quickly! As people are born and die most of those numbers ticking over is also an Adjuster, that divine spirit within us. They are streaming in and out! It’s like an electricity circuit or blood circulating with their constant flow of electrons or blood cells. We might be disconnected in our isolation from some of the universe circuits, but not this one.

But this is just a representation. This is the spirit part of us; we cannot see it or detect it with our scientific instruments; we would not deduce it through reasoned argument. This knowledge requires revelation. Knowing this truly makes us all of equal value. Spiritual brothers and sisters all carrying an inner spark from our shared divine parent. And in knowing this, how can we ever think to do anything other than treat everyone like family, with love? It wouldn’t prevent the odd squabble but would certainly stop a lot of the big problems.

10. And Jesus. I was listening to Tom Holland (the historian, writer, atheist) recently as he was talking about Jesus, and to sum him up he essentially said this:

Even the most casual and secular observation shows that something extraordinary happened in the lives of people all those years ago that led to the spread of the most influential set of ideas and beliefs that the word has ever known. The teachings and philosophy contained in even the limited record of things Jesus said are so attractive and powerful that they changed the world and improved people’s lives immensely. If they didn’t come from someone called Jesus, then from who? It’s impossible to get even a small group of people to agree on an idea and stay on message for even a short time, let alone to have it persist for thousands of years in the minds of billions of people. Impossible also to delude so many people for such a long time. There must be something extraordinary about Jesus—his life and teachings—that they have this influential power. And if so, what is it? We can get a partial idea about this man from the Bible, but it’s far from satisfying to a rational mind, and even The New Testament itself says it is incomplete. The little heard phrase in John 21:25 says, And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.

The most poignant part of that biblical phrase is of course the ‘Amen,’ which means, ‘so be it.’ And here we have it! Within this revelation, we now have a full recount of the complete life and teachings of Jesus. And through this retelling, we can truly know him and how he lived his life, understand his message clearly, and come to see him as brother, teacher and friend. He chose goodness, truth and beauty in all he did, to be in harmony with the world he lived in, as well as revealing the fact of our sonship with God and our own dual natures—human and divine. He revealed there is a part of us that is divine, that while we toil and live firmly, loyally and courageously in the material every day, wants to draw us up and out of all things shadowy and temporary here and into a world that is more permanent—the world of spirit. He taught that, to do to others as you would have them do to you, is good; to love one another as he loves us is even better. It is shown in this revelation that ‘the cross’ is not the salvation, no. The unforgettable drama of his death serves simply to remind us of the extraordinary life he lived and what he demonstrated and taught us during that short life, that, if we heed and follow, will prepare our souls to carry us into the life hereafter.

This is surely the sort of thing we should be saying when talking to someone about Jesus and share his life-saving message. We simply cannot begin with something like:

Our Creator Son is the personification of the 611,121st original concept of infinite identity of simultaneous origin in the Universal Father and the Eternal Son. 33:1.1 (366.2)

That can come later.


I just wanted to look at one last point before I finish up, and that is, how do we talk about spirit and spirituality in our secular and materially minded world?

There are varied definitions of what spirit is. It’s broadly accepted that the term refers to a kind of non-material vital essence that animates us and all life. But it is also used to refer to our mood, our attitudes, that essence at the heart of a game or the intention of the law, and of course supernatural beings and ghosts. While ‘spirit’ refers to many different things, which can lead to confusion when we talk about it, most people would probably not admit that it’s not real. So, after we’ve clarified what we’re talking about and determined that the person we’re talking to accepts that spirit is real, then as a starting point, we could take that definition about a ‘vital essence’ and extend it to ‘that which animates the whole universe,’ and that spirit is what we would call God.

Another approach to discussing spirit is that it can be thought of as that level of reality where original thoughts and creative ideas come from. No one would admit these are not real; they don’t emerge from the unreal and into reality. They could be thought of as coming from that part of our reality that is beyond the material, which we would call the spirit level of reality, above our conscious awareness but impinging down into our consciousness. This could help people to differentiate spirit from the mental and the material.

There is perhaps even more confusion in our world today surrounding spirituality. What defines spirituality has changed much over time and various interpretations now exist simultaneously. For some it could involve traditional religious beliefs or a blend of Eastern and Western philosophies, personal growth and the search for ultimate purpose and meanings in this life, or encounters with the supernatural and spirit beings, belief or not in an afterlife. People are either simply confused by it all or may only accept their own preconceptions.

Spirituality is becoming disconnected from the religious. But as we have learned from the Urantia Papers, the religious urge in us is innate, so if we remove the old spiritual anchors, we will naturally replace it with something else. (103:0.2) It is also well recognised that there can be significant physical and mental health benefits to having some kind of spirituality in your life. There are clear health benefits from having a higher sense of perspective, purpose, meaning and peace, increased self-confidence and self-control, better relationships, and the support of a caring community. People naturally want and see the need for spirituality in their life and so we hear a lot of people today say, they are ‘spiritual but not religious.’

Attending to our physical and mental health and wellbeing is crucial, obviously it’s extremely important. But if the focus of so-called ‘spiritual healing’ is purely on self-improvement, and looking for the sacred in the self, then we are selling ourselves short. From this revelation, we have been reminded that we have a piece of God’s spirit within ourselves. Genuine spirituality is, a) when you realise that divine part is in everyone around you too, and you love that, b) when you come out of the retreat and apply this knowledge to the human connections in your life, and c) it translates into a bearing of those ‘fruits of the spirit’ in how you live your life. That is, your thinking has been adjusted towards God-like behaviour. And spiritual growth, like physical and mental growth, of course comes through constant repetition.

As Jesus told us,
Salvation is the free gift of God, but those who are born of the spirit will immediately begin to show forth the fruits of the spirit in loving service to their fellow creatures. And the fruits of the divine spirit which are yielded in the lives of spirit-born and God-knowing mortals are: loving service, unselfish devotion, courageous loyalty, sincere fairness, enlightened honesty, undying hope, confiding trust, merciful ministry, unfailing goodness, forgiving tolerance, and enduring peace. 193:2.2 (2054.3)

We don’t live in isolation, we are social beings, and how we live with and treat others is important. And when we all truly desire good for others, and do good, then we also show respect and love for the source of that divinity that we all share. This does bring God back into our spirituality, and makes it a religious experience once again, but removed from all the connotations it previously bore. Focus on the self only is a trap. It may have short term rewards, but it confines us to the temporal. The fact remains that the true religious impulse has its origin in genuine spirit presences activating the will to be unselfish. 103:3.1 (1132.1)

And remember:
There is a reality in religious experience that is proportional to the spiritual content, and such a reality is transcendent to reason, science, philosophy, wisdom, and all other human achievements. The convictions of such an experience are unassailable; the logic of religious living is incontrovertible; the certainty of such knowledge is superhuman; the satisfactions are superbly divine, the courage indomitable, the devotions unquestioning, the loyalties supreme, and the destinies final — eternal, ultimate, and universal. 103:9.12 (1142.3)

These are just some ways we can think about and talk about the knowledge we’ve gained from this revelation. There are many more things to emphasise, but it would take many more weekends and conferences, so I’m going to have to wind up there. And I’ll leave you with some points to think about on this topic and perhaps talk about further over the weekend:

* The faith-grasp. How do we articulate that to those asking, ‘how do you know?’ and ‘where’s the proof?’ of anything spiritual? Can we even do this? [references: 1:4.7 (27.2) & 5:5.6 (69.2)]

* What questions can be asked to open people up to talking about matters spiritual, or bring their attention onto their own spirituality and spiritual growth/journey?

* What are possible objections to, and criticisms of spirituality and how to overcome them?

Has Your Time Come?

Rex Merrett, Central Coast, NSW

(Presented at the 2023 Conference in Sydney)

Good morning. The theme for our conference this year—'Talking ‘Bout a Revelation’—is something every Urantia Book reader becomes aware of. While our own ascension should be our main focus, it is hard not to want to share with others, the higher truths that enrich our lives. We should not be overwhelmed by the importance of this task, rather be consciously aware of opportunities when they do come our way.  

Remember, Jesus was never in a hurry, and we should keep that in mind.

A story I love is about a monk making an appointment to see his master saying, “Master when will I be enlightened?” The Master said, “when you stop trying to change others and start changing yourself.” The monk said, “Ok, I can do that. But how long will it take me to reach enlightenment?” The Master said 20 years. The monk said, “but if I work really hard, twice as hard as the other monks?” The Master said 40 years.

In this presentation will be some of my thoughts about the conference theme that hopefully will stimulate some of yours. I am very happy to have my partner Christine organise the workshop after my presentation, and I would like to start by quickly telling you about my relationship with The Urantia Book and also with Christine (at age 46 ).

 Personal Story

In my 60s I developed a medical condition and retired. When I recovered, I had a passion to experience freedom from everyday life. So, I sold my house and all my furniture and travelled for three years in my car and caravan. It was a special time for me consciously, however after three years I was thinking how nice it would be to have a conscious and intelligent lady in my life. Apparently about the same time Christine was having similar thoughts. We met at a dance class and now eight years later have a loving and progressive relationship where we not only work together to improve our relationship but support each other’s personal growth as well. Four years ago, I had no problem sharing my love of The Urantia Book with her. When I met Christine, she was a member of Toastmasters, so I joined as well—and we are actually laying a foundation there to do what this conference is all about, which I will explain at the conclusion of my presentation.

Has your time come? – to be more creative and courageous, about introducing The Urantia Book to others? Only you can answer that question. Let’s look at how Jesus set the foundation for his teaching.

During his later adolescence and early manhood he travelled extensively with an Indian business man and his son – Gonod and Ganid.

The Transition Years (Paper 134)

During the Mediterranean journey Jesus had carefully studied the people he met and the countries through which he passed, and at about this time he reached his final decision as to the remainder of his life on earth. 134:0 (1483.1)

He returned to Galilee to await the beginning of his life work as a public teacher of truth. He was back working on boats at Zebedee’s workshop in Capernaum when one morning he laid down his tools, declaring, "My hour has come," (134:9.8)

He then went about selecting 12 apostles. 12 very different personalities from different walks of life, to live with him while initiating his teachings to them and how to carry those teachings forward after he was gone.

I think our lesson from this is to become friendly and familiar first with those we may select to engage with, before we introduce them to the higher truths from The Urantia Book.  

The Ordination of the Twelve (Paper 140)

The so-called “Sermon on the Mount” is not the gospel of Jesus but the ordination charge to the 12 apostles. It was the Master’s personal commission to those who were to go on preaching the gospel and aspiring to represent him in the world of men even as he was so eloquently and perfectly representative of his Father.

While inherited urges cannot be fundamentally modified, emotional responses to such urges can be changed; therefore the moral nature can be modified, character can be improved.  In a strong character emotional responses are integrated and co-ordinated and thus is produced a unified personality. Deficient unification weakens the moral nature and engenders unhappiness. 140:4.8 (1572.8) emphasis mine

Without a worthy goal, life becomes aimless and unprofitable, and much unhappiness results. Jesus exhorted his followers to exercise experiential faith. He admonished them not to depend on mere intellectual assent, credulity and established authority. 140:4.9 (1572.9) emphasis mine


During our travels in Tasmania, we visited the Moana (Museum of old and new art). It made me think about the Mansion Worlds. The art and displays there are so different that I had no reference to be able to judge right or wrong, good or bad, like or dislike. However, the biggest effect on my consciousness happened when I walked into a half-empty room. There was floor to ceiling bookcases on every wall filled with different size books. There was a large table and chairs in the centre of the room with books open as though students had been studying them. However, the covers and pages within every book were blank, not a word written anywhere. I instantly seemed to get the message that even though I read a lot of books, the blank book that I am creating with every experiential decision I make, is the most important one. Not only for myself but also for my Thought Adjuster. Paper 140 goes on to say:

Education should be a technique of learning (discovering) the better methods of gratifying our natural and inherited urges, and happiness is the resulting total of these enhanced techniques of emotional satisfactions. 140:4.10 (1573.1)  emphasis mine

Different Realities

A problem I had for many years with my relationships, was whenever we had an emotional argument and then gave our interpretation a couple of days later, they were different. It happened so often that I wished there was a third person there to agree with my interpretation. However, I now realise, that person might not have agreed with either of us.

When we look at the world and what happens in it. We are looking with our eyes, our conscious mind, our personality, and life experience up to that time. Which makes it impossible for us to see things exactly the same, as each other. With this knowledge perhaps I should stop trying to have others agree with my opinions and do more listening in case I want to change mine. It also gives me more understanding when my sister says she “..just cannot read The Urantia Book.”

As science explains, you literally become what you think about most; your life becomes what you have imagined and believed in the most. The world is literally your mirror enabling you to experience in the physical plane what you hold as your truth – until you change it! Maybe that is why introducing a higher truth to others, becomes so important.


I would like to tell you about Toastmasters. As I mentioned, Christine was already an experienced Toastmaster. What I liked, about Toastmaster’s was that I had a captive audience for my seven mini speeches that they were evaluated afterwards. So I was getting my message across twice.

We meet every second week, have morning tea halfway through the meeting, and some of us also have lunch afterwards which allows us to become socially close to these people and further understand their personalities and interests.

We both keep taking our speeches to a higher conscious level, and the members feel comfortable enough with us to ask questions about our speeches. It is a work-in-progress for both Christine, me, and the members.

This format of Toastmasters gave me an idea for a study group. Because we each exist in a slightly different reality, information in The Urantia Book will affect each of us in a different way. So by stopping the reading to discuss our different thoughts, sometimes interferes with the message of the complete paper. We are studying the papers so we can experientially move closer to God, not just to become a student of The Urantia Book.

If we were to have each person read from the selected Paper for three minutes (egg timer) until the Paper was completed, then have three minutes for each person to describe how the text affected them and what steps they might be taking to bring that advanced knowledge into their lives, it might make for an interesting study group.

Thank You!

Creating Rapport

Christine Bannigan, Central Coast, NSW

(Presented at the 2023 conference in Sydney)

Good morning beautiful people, I’m Christine Bannigan. I’m retired and living the dream. I’ve faced life challenges, learned a lot about being human, and become a person that I’m now happy to be. In my working life I was an Industrial Psychologist, a Corporate Trainer, and… I lived with fear. Of course, I hid that with an overlay of extreme optimism.

In the year 2000 I was diagnosed with grade three cancer, and I walked away from my job. I was terrified about dying and I made a deal with God. I said, “If you let me live, I’ll make a difference for the future.” And, well, here I am.


To heal from the cancer, I worked with the allopathic model and embraced the alternative therapies; I was so drawn to the latter that I trained to become a practitioner of: Meditation, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Reiki, Electro Magnetic Energy Field Balancing, Massage, and Qi Gong healing.

This led me into a new career as a Complementary Therapist where I worked mainly with people who had been diagnosed with cancer. I had learned that at the foundation of every cancer is stress and an unresolved emotional issue (it had certainly been so for me). I worked with my clients to uncover and resolve their issues and began to make a difference for the future.


During this time, I wrote three books: The Evolution Series. It was my way of sharing some of the inexplicable spiritual experiences I had been having since the day I was diagnosed. I toured both within Australia and overseas speaking, conducting sessions, and sharing my books. I worked that way for 12 years and in 2015 I retired for the second time and moved on to other things.


I joined Toastmasters to have an avenue for sharing spiritual information (a little at a time) with the mainstream. I’ve been an active Toastmaster since 2015 and have held leadership positions at the Toastmaster’s Club at both area and district levels.

I still have a job that I do for a couple of months each year where I manage an administrative team for the NSW Educational Standards Authority. I do it because it’s making a difference for the future.

Interactive Exercises for Rapport Building

And now for the workshop section where you will be actively involved and will have the opportunity to share what you’ve experienced and observed.

The burning question is: Has your time come? If so, we’re here to support you in your communication so that you have the best possible opportunity to influence in a positive way.

We human beings are incredibly generous about sharing our passions, and we Urantia Book readers are particularly so because we recognise the unique gift held in its pages.

How then do we inspire others to embrace the teachings? How do we encourage them to take this and hold it in their hearts. For many of you, especially those who have studied Neuro Linguistic Programming, these exercises will be familiar – a reminder, a revision of what you already know; no harm in that. For others there may be a gem to take away.

One of my teachers used to say, “You will not be a successful communicator if you are unable to create rapport. You won’t get a decent sandwich if you are not in rapport with the cook.” Knowing how to build rapport will prove to be essential in creating meaningful relationships, influencing, and motivating.

You’ve probably guessed – we are going to explore the art of building rapport.

Who can tell me: what does it mean to be in rapport with another person? (audience interaction and acknowledgment)

This is not about pushing our own agenda. It’s about causing a shift – an opening – by understanding, accepting, and being emphatic, the way, I suspect, Jesus did.

Rapport Building

If you observe people who are in rapport, you’ll notice several common characteristics such as:

  • They tend to address the other person by their name (although here in Australia “mate” seems to work well also.)
  • They tend to make eye contact freely.
  • They ask open-ended questions that give the other person an opportunity to share.
  • They acknowledge the other person’s viewpoint using clauses like: I understand, I hear you, I can see that.
  • They reflect back on what the other person has said e.g. “Are you saying that...” or “It sounds as though…” or “Talk about the murderer at BHP in Tasmania”.
  • They match and mirror gestures, language, vocal pace, and breathing.

It’s a lot to think about I know. However, we do this naturally when you’re in rapport. You might be wondering: If we do it naturally why are we even talking about it? Surely we have it nailed! And we do… with some people. However... by mastering these techniques and being aware of them, it becomes possible to get along with, encourage, and influence people who we would otherwise find difficult, even impossible.

Let’s have a practice now. Two volunteers to demonstrate please… (Two people now sit facing each other.)

Please have a 1-minute conversation while maintaining eye contact and using each other’s name.

How did that go? (volunteers discuss their experiences)

Now ask some open-ended questions, perhaps using the five W’s: who, what, when, where, and why? Get to know the other person. Find out some things you didn’t already know.

Now let’s work in pairs to practice each of the behaviours described on the handout. Follow each exercise with feedback and discussion. (Participants talk in pair for several minutes then there’s general discussion on various experiences and observations.)

Click here for Handout

In closing, reaffirm that in order to influence others to read The Urantia Book, the first and most important step is to build rapport. Thank you all.

New Zealand Corner

Marion Steward, Auckland NZ

As 2023 draws to a close, here in New Zealand we have finally got a government, after a few weeks of intense negotiation between the three parties who together gained enough votes to form a majority. The Urantia Book has this to say about elections: “Popular elections may not always decide things rightly, but they represent the right way even to do a wrong thing.” (71:2.2) This paper, Development of the State, makes very interesting reading in the light of the unsettledness obvious in various countries around the world today. While New Zealand enjoys relative stability and peace, compared with many other countries, there is still strong division in society on a number of issues, which show no signs of being resolved any time soon. People take strong positions and increasingly do not listen to others with different opinions and viewpoints, and there are topics which simply cannot be discussed at family or social gatherings, or even Urantia Book study groups, because such discussion will result in heated arguments with consequent damage to the sense of cohesion in the group.

The interesting thing about this is that such variance in opinions would appear to be part of the overall design for the universe!

The religion of the spirit requires only unity of experience – uniformity of destiny – making full allowance for diversity of belief. 155:6.9 (1732.2) emphasis added

You do not have to see alike or feel alike or even think alike in order spiritually to be alike. 141:5.1 (1591.6) emphasis added

The Urantia Book encourages and supports diversity in all areas of human activity, which of course requires ‘forgiving tolerance’ (one of the fruits of the spirit) to enable ongoing communication and cooperation among people with different points of view. The new government in New Zealand is representative of this diversity, and they appear to have considered very carefully how they can work together over the next three years, with compromise and respect some of their stated guiding principles. We can only hope that the angels of nation life (114:6.4) can gain traction in New Zealand, and indeed across the world in “the overcontrol of international relations” and that 2024 sees some progress towards light and life, no matter how small.

Survived The Fiery Trial

Gary Tonge, USA

(Editor's note: Gary wrote this article a few years ago. It relates to a debate that has been held by Urantia Book readers for a long time. Some readers here may recall that in 1988 Trevor Swadling gave a presentation at the South Pacific Conference in which he was trying to figure out the same issue based on that same quote. Gary's conclusions are a lot more positive than some of the conclusions that have been floating around for years. It makes for a good read.)

I recently spent time reflecting on a curious detail in The Urantia Book — something that has caused a number of seasoned and sincere Urantia Book students some considerable consternation. During my reflection, discussion, and study I had somewhat of a revelation about this apparent oddity in the Fifth Epochal Revelation, which I have written about here. Below is the salient paragraph:

It was over two years of system time from the beginning of the “war in heaven” until the installation of Lucifer’s successor. But at last the new Sovereign came, landing on the sea of glass with his staff. I was among the reserves mobilized on Edentia by Gabriel, and I well remember the first message of Lanaforge to the Constellation Father of Norlatiadek. It read: “Not a single Jerusem citizen was lost. Every ascendant mortal survived the fiery trial and emerged from the crucial test triumphant and altogether victorious.” And on to Salvington, Uversa, and Paradise went this message of assurance that the survival experience of mortal ascension is the greatest security against rebellion and the surest safeguard against sin. This noble Jerusem band of faithful mortals numbered just 187,432,811. 53:7.12 (608.8) [emphasis added

I can recall a number of other revelation readers discussing this apparently problematic number, many whom I consider to be robust students; André Radatus, Chris Halvorson, and other seasoned and sincere readers I know have tackled this or found contention with the number. I remember a few years ago, Chris had talked around this number in a Perfecting Horizons Institute study and posited, “It represented a small graduation class of Jerusem.” I was reminded of feeling that Chris’ appraisal did not add up for me. I had always felt we must spend a fairly long time on Jerusem as citizens (relatively speaking). Again, more recently André was discussing the likely prolonged length of time we spend as citizens on Jerusem at a Urantia University Institute Cafe I was attending. So what is the meaning of this number?I had a realization, which felt like a “flash of truth from within me” — it was:

“This number relates exclusively to those who had yet to fuse with their adjusters — 187,432,811 noble Jerusem faithful mortals.”

Bear with me as we look at some significant correlating revelatory statements for this.

First, I should point out that there are no specific statistics to explain the ratio of people who make it to Jerusem without fusion. However, we know that ascenders can indeed ascend all the way to Salvington without fusing (consequently being fused with a Son fragment). Here is a notable paragraph that speaks to these details:

While practically all surviving mortals are fused with their Adjusters on one of the mansion worlds or immediately upon their arrival on the higher morontia spheres, there are certain cases of delayed fusion, some not experiencing this final surety of survival until they reach the last educational worlds of the universe headquarters; and a few of these mortal candidates for never-ending life utterly fail to attain identity fusion with their faithful Adjusters. 40:8.1 (449.4)

So in an abundance of simplicity, let’s imagine that the ratio for those who had not fused before Jerusem is quite low (1:1000 ascenders — or maybe 1:2000). It seems logical that this ratio could be considerably higher than this, of course.

To start out, let's use 1:1000 as the ratio:

187,432,811 x 1,000 / 607 (607 being the number of inhabited worlds in Satania at the time) would calculate to 308,785,520 (about 308 million) total residents on Jerusem from each of the worlds in Satania at the time of the Lucifer rebellion.

Next, let’s use a 1:2000 ratio:

187,432,811 x 2,000 / 607 equals 617,571,041 (about 617 million) residents on Jerusem – per mortal sphere in our local system of Satania at the time.

Upon this realization, I researched the revelation to identify any corroborating quotes to this possibility; but it seemed logical and truthful to me that post-fusion ascenders are rebellion-proof; surely they cannot fall!

Taking a momentary side note; I feel it is worth articulating that I very much doubt life was easy for fused mortals on the mansion spheres at the time of the rebellion.

Despite a fused ascender’s personal “immunity,” imagine for a moment, the horror and helplessness they may have witnessed if their contemporaries (sons, daughters, parents, friends) who had not yet fused were falling into the rebellion while they had their eternal “guardrail” of being fused. This must have been a very distressing time for all.

Here are a few of the most relevant quotes I looked up that help correlate my new understanding of this curious number:

1: This paragraph speaks to how the lower mansion spheres had more non-fusers – therefore more of them fell into the rebellion.

The ascending mortals were vulnerable, but they withstood the sophistries of rebellion better than the lower spirits. While many on the lower mansion worlds, those who had not attained final fusion with their Adjusters, fell, it is recorded to the glory of the wisdom of the ascension scheme that not a single member of the Satania ascendant citizenship resident on Jerusem participated in the Lucifer rebellion. 53:7.10 (608.6)

2: Here, expounding the eternal and immortal nature of a fused ascender.

Thought Adjuster fusion imparts eternal actualities to personality which were previously only potential. Among these new endowments may be mentioned: fixation of divinity quality, past-eternity experience and memory, immortality, and a phase of qualified potential absoluteness. 112:7.1 (1237.3)

3: Explanation of the transcendence of adjuster fusion.

The achievement of the seven cosmic circles does not equal Adjuster fusion. There are many mortals living on Urantia who have attained their circles; but fusion depends on yet other greater and more sublime spiritual achievements, upon the attainment of a final and complete attunement of the mortal will with the will of God as it is resident in the Thought Adjuster. 110:7.1 (1212.2)

4: A secure value in the universe.

When the self attains the spiritual level, it has become a secure value in the universe, and this new value is predicated upon the fact that survival decisions have been made, which fact has been witnessed by eternal fusion with the Thought Adjuster. 112:7.6 (1238.1)

5: And this last one really brought it home for me.

Human beings are capable of making an everlasting self-identification with total and indestructible universe reality — fusion with the indwelling Thought Adjuster. 116:7.5 1276.6) [emphasis added].

Looking logically at these additional quotes, this much seems clear: 

Ascending mortals who fuse have — by the prerequisites of adjuster fusion — proven themselves in their personal journey from mortal to immortal. Therefore, at the time of the rebellion, these fused ascenders were “above” this strenuous test of potentially falling. They were fused with a fragment of The Perfect Father and therefore are beyond “the fiery trial.”

However, these meritorious 187,432,811 ascenders (along with the no-doubt many billions of non-fused ascenders navigating the mansion worlds) were significantly tested, and yet they did not fall. When looked at in the context of the rebellion — and the sinful actions at work all around those caught within these bewildering events — this next paragraph is a profound statement:

Not a single Jerusem citizen was lost. Every ascendant mortal survived the fiery trial and emerged from the crucial test triumphant and altogether victorious. 53:7.12 (608.8)

Reflecting once again on this. What the authors are implying here seems to me to be:

Those ascending mortals who had attained Jerusem — but had yet to fuse — were able to unequivocally overcome the potential of falling into the rebellion. Put another way: of these 187,432,811 ascenders resident on Jerusem not one of them fell. Statistically, this is a clear indication that the personal growth and qualification for Jerusem citizenship — regardless of fusion — was enough to protect from all that beset these noble mortal ascenders during the rebellion that benighted our system 200,000 years ago.

I would surmise, if the celestial authors had chosen to give us more detailed information on the mansion spheres, we would have been able to clearly see a growing percentage of ascenders (who had not fused) falling, if we stepped back from sphere 7, 6, 5, etc.

What I adore about the Fifth Epochal Revelation is that it is written with nuance, expecting the student to use significant critical thinking, spiritual insight, philosophical reasoning, and reflection to unpack these more profound details and correlating truths, that are missed in a more cursory reading.

Our fusion qualification lifts us beyond the potential of rebellion. We become an “eternal actuality” when we fuse with our indwelling adjuster. Nevertheless, This noble Jerusem band of faithful mortals (53:7.12) all met sophistries we cannot imagine, leveraged by beings we cannot describe — and they withstood it all, to the glory of God.

Love to you — fellow inconstant but potentially eternal and perfected brethren! 

2024 International Conference, USA

International Conference Committee

March 28, 2024 – March 31, 2024

The Nature and Nurture of the Soul

Faith is to religion what sails are to a ship; it is an addition of power, not an added burden of life. 159:3.8, (1766.4)

Mind is your ship, the Adjuster is your pilot, the human will is captain. The master of the mortal vessel should have the wisdom to trust the divine pilot to guide the ascending soul into the morontia harbors of eternal survival. 111:1.9, (1217.4)

Watch the video!

Come set sail with us!

Mark your calendars now for the next exciting Urantia Association International Conference in 2024! This will be the 12th International Conference of the Association and is being organized by Urantia Association of the United States (UAUS).   It will take place from the afternoon of March 28 through noon on March 31, 2024 (Thursday-Sunday) in Baltimore Maryland.

Register Now

For more information on the Conference 2024 website page Click here

The conference is a thorough study of the soul, with eight topics divided into two categories.  Reading lists will be provided prior to the conference for those who wish to prepare in advance. Check-in opens 3pm Thursday afternoon. There will be a welcome dinner at 6.00 p.m. followed by a meet and greet reception with music and entertainment hosted by the Hawaii Urantia Local Association (H.U.L.A.).

Michael Zehr
On behalf of the 2024 Conference Committee

This conference is promoted and hosted by Urantia Association International and Urantia Association of the United States.
Sponsored by Urantia Foundation and Truthbook.

Teacher Education Program

Urantia University Institute

Presented by the Urantia University Institute (UUI)

What It Is

The Urantia Book Teacher Education Program (TEP) uses the Jesusonian model of teaching and pairs it with the combined experience of teachers and leaders of the Urantia movement who have been sharing the revelation for over 50 years. At its core, the program is designed to provide those who have an inner prompting to share the advanced teachings of the Urantia revelation regarding God, the cosmos, and our planetary history and eternal destiny with a coherent body of knowledge and skill set they can use to communicate more skillfully with spiritually hungry people looking for answers to life's big questions.

What the TEP Will Do?

  • Prepare those who feel called to teach or minister to the spiritual family of God in the light of the Urantia revelation and to spread the expanded gospel of Jesus presented in The Urantia Book to their faith communities and the broader culture.
  • Provide a program of study leading to a comprehensive and integrative understanding of the major themes and concepts of The Urantia Book that enables participants to better articulate the revelation to their native cultures and to a wide and varied audience of individuals and groups. 
  • Nurture the development of the participant’s inner spiritual life towards the goal of authentically embodying an awareness of the Presence of God in one’s life through faith and spiritual practices.
  • Train for effective ministry based on Jesus’s model of loving service with an emphasis on spiritual transformation and mastering techniques of meeting individuals where they are at in a dialogue of souls.

2023 Beta Test

The 2023-2024 academic year is a test of the Teacher Education Program. Students who are participating in this year have been specially selected based on the value that they might bring in providing quality feedback about the course.

2024 Cohort

The 2024-2025 program year will begin with an in-person orientation session over five days at Urantia Foundation in Chicago. This personal experience allows participants to meet their instructors/guides and form a cohesive cohort. Participants will become oriented to the program’s structure, goals, and curriculum, and engage in some basic skill-building sessions. The cohort also establishes Circles of Trust that build strong spiritual relationships in a small group setting.

Who's Involved?

The TEP is a collaborative endeavor by representatives from Urantia University, Urantia Foundation, Urantia Association International, and the Urantia Book Fellowship that is supported, in part, by a Mustard Seed Grant from Urantia Foundation.

Building on the Teachings of Jesus

What the TEP Will Do?

Prepare those who feel called to teach or minister to the spiritual family of God in the light of the Urantia revelation and to spread the expanded gospel of Jesus presented in The Urantia Book to their faith communities and the broader culture.

Provide a program of study leading to a comprehensive and integrative understanding of the major themes and concepts of The Urantia Book that enables participants to better articulate the revelation to their native cultures and to a wide and varied audience of individuals and groups. 

Nurture the development of the participant’s inner spiritual life towards the goal of authentically embodying an awareness of the Presence of God in one’s life through faith and spiritual practices.

Train for effective ministry based on Jesus’s model of loving service with an emphasis on spiritual transformation and mastering techniques of meeting individuals where they are at in a dialogue of souls.

Click here to learn more about the Program

A Review from student, Barbara Newsom:

A School for Teachers and Ministers of the Fifth Epochal Revelation

"The program will provide a foundation for all who would like to incorporate the teachings of the Urantia Revelation into their lifelong educational processes. In the “early days,” the Forum met as “the Seventy” before the book was published, and until the 1970s as The Urantia Brotherhood School. Dedicated student-teachers through the decades now begin a new stage of collaboration among student-teachers from educational programs around the world to meet the needs of generations of the 21st Century for decades to come. 

"Our first trimester has exceeded my expectations of quality, from the courses designed by our trimester leaders over the past three years to the presentations by the TEP participants every week. We have talented artists, researchers, facilitators, and teachers that stimulate new acquisition of knowledge and insights through experiential learning every week and spiritual growth through our Circles of Trust. 

"I am confident that next year’s program will be even better, and I think my fellow student-teachers would agree. We explore and progress joyfully together.  As I believe our celestial friends would say, “Please come and see.”

Now accepting applications for 2024-2025

Apply Here

Catalogue of ANZURA Products


Secondary Works and Study Aids Inspired by the Teachings of The Urantia Book

Why Study Aids and Secondary Works?

Many students of The Urantia Book produce study aids and derivative works—creative tools that help others understand the complexity of The Urantia Book. Secondary works can be instrumental in assisting or inspiring others in their study and personal spiritual development; they are also useful as outreach tools for sharing the book’s teachings with the wider community. ANZURA encourages and supports the development of Urantia related study aids and may assist readers in their production and distribution.

The products presented in this catalogue have all been created by students of The Urantia Book who have been inspired by their study and comprehension of the book and its teachings. We hope these creative tools may be helpful in your journey with the study of the book and for sharing the teachings in your various spheres of influence.

(Disclaimer: Please note that the opinions expressed in these works are those of the individuals who created them. Including them in this catalogue does not imply endorsement of content by ANZURA.)

For Product Catalogue, click here

For Order Form, click here

About the Arena Newsletter


The Arena newsletter keeps students of The Urantia Book throughout Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific in touch with Urantia related news, activities and events from our local region as well as from the global Urantia Book reader community. It also provides interesting articles written by readers on a wide range of subjects from the book which we hope may be helpful in assisting with your studies.

The Arena is published by ANZURA two to three times a year and is dedicated to the promotion of goodwill and understanding among readers of The Urantia Book. Articles and editorial contributions that relate to The Urantia Book and its teachings are welcome from readers all over the world.

If you would like to receive the Arena or submit an article, please send us an email at anzura.urantia @

To view current and past issues of the Arena click here.

ANZURA's Contact Details

P.O. Box 1581
Warriewood, NSW 2102

Phone: 0431 285 943 (from Australia) or +61 431 285 943 (international)

Please note: Any interpretations, opinions, conclusions, or artistic representations, whether stated or implied, are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of ANZURA or the editorial team of the Arena.