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Online Urantia Conference Opportunity

A Reward of Isolation!

For all of our Australian and New Zealand Urantia Book reader friends who cannot normally make it to conferences (and of course all of you who can) here’s a great opportunity to tune into a global Urantia conference online event. It’s running for 24 hours so that all readers around the world can benefit from this opportunity during their “awake” times (and the wee small hours for the night owls.)

Urantia Association International is presenting this extraordinary global Urantia event starting this Saturday 21st March from (Sydney time) 11:00am Saturday to 11:00am Sunday.

With people around the world being asked to practice social isolation to help slow the effects of the Corona virus, the Association is offering this unique online event to help bring people together.

The conference will be interactive via Zoom as well as being live-streamed to Facebook. It will include presentations, discussions, and group studies of The Urantia Book. It will also be recorded and available on the Association’s YouTube channel for those who want to catch up outside of the scheduled times.

You can join us in the Zoom meeting room any time during that 24-hour period by clicking on this zoom link:
Meeting ID: 617 494 9574

(If you haven’t used Zoom before, when you click on the above link it will prompt you to download the free Zoom program.)

or you can view the event on Urantia Association’s Facebook at:

Read More to view the final program.

You’ll see on the program that we have some Aussie presenters: Julain McGarry, Robert Coenraads, and a video showing of Nigel Nunn.

We hope you can tune in to see some wonderful presentations from experienced Urantia Book readers from all over the world.