Since last year’s lockdowns many of us have had a lot of experience in holding conferences, meetings, and study groups via Zoom. It has proven to be a surprisingly effective alternative in keeping us all connected and has even had the very positive outcome of allowing many, who could not previously attend study groups or gatherings because of distance, to participate now from the comfort of their living rooms!
The theme of our virtual conference remains the same and the presenters are busy adapting their presentations to the Zoom environment.
The Goodness of Love – the Keystone to Reality
Truth is coherent, beauty attractive, goodness stabilizing. And when these values of that which is real are co-ordinated in personality experience, the result is a high order of love conditioned by wisdom and qualified by loyalty. [Paper 2:7.12, page 43.5]When we embark on the quest for the highest value and eliminate the selfish qualities of love, we have the potential to contribute to the creation of finite reality in our own incredibly unique ways. When we become more real—more balanced in our personalities—we come close to understanding that the keystone to reality is the highest value of all—the Goodness of Love.
…man’s nearest and dearest approach to God is by and through love, for God is love. [Paper 3:4.7, page 50.5 emphasis added]We hope you will join us on Saturday October 2nd and share in the discovery of some incredible insights that will be explored.
We will send you another notice closer to the date with the Program, Zoom link and meeting ID. We’re looking forward to seeing you then.