President’s Report, Summer Arena 2024

Here we are again at the end of the year with a lot of activity in ANZURA behind us. Our conference in Melbourne was a success thanks to everyone that made our stay at the Edmund Rice Centre comfortable, and to our Melbourne study group team. The sessions were interesting and the camaraderie the usual treat, as Kathleen will recount further on in her reflections.

As always, we conducted our AGM and re-elected the office bearers, which now remain unchanged from last year. Kathleen’s conference presentation, which is featured in this summer’s issue of the Arena, addresses just that! It gives us a great insight into how the Association is actually structured and how a solid foundation is crucial to bring about the desired outcome – mainly that a spiritual awakening could launch a new era for humankind through the spiritual transformation of each individual and all humanity.

We’re pleased to announce that next year’s conference will be in Brisbane 3 – 6 October 2025. See further on in this newsletter for the details.

The ISB – (International Service Board) is in the process of holding the elections. They encouraged the IRC sitting members (International Representative Council) to source new nominations from their respective groups. The positions needed to be filled are:

President, Treasurer, Membership Chair; Education Chair, Conference Chair, Translation Chair. In addition, there will be elections for two members on the International Judicial Commission.

The tasks to keep the International Association running smoothly and appropriately are massive. It should be very important to all of us, that members of this organization recognise the many needs facing an international community of readers, especially when we see reports coming from the African continent where the revelation has had a big impact for many years and is starting to gather momentum. Many study groups are being formed and conferences are organised and attended. Despite their own economic difficulties (amidst many others), they overcome these adversities in novel ways, and become truly inspiring fellow Urantia Book students – and we do need some inspirations now and then, don’t we?

A new project worth mentioning comes from young adult Urantia Book readers. They invited everyone to read the book sequentially over several years, culminating on the 2000 Anniversary of Jesus’ ascension. Although this venture has started already, you can still catch up if you want to be part of it. Please read their article in this issue titled The UB Readthrough and give them your heartily support.

Please enjoy all the other bits and pieces in this issue we have collected to give you plenty to read during this summer season, whether it be under the shady tree in the garden or next to sand and water somewhere…☺

With best wishes for your families and loved ones for the coming festive season.

Rita Schaad